a plan

630 47 15

( Nightmare pov )

I don't have much time.Every time I stumbled onto that apple tree, the first thing I thought is...

"How does that taste??"

And I myself should know what happen to me if I eat it.

I would die.

And a whole another parasite will take over my body.

I need to control myself, I'm more anxious around dream.I can't help but feels scared.

What happens if he leave?? then I wouldn't get any protections at all.I would be left alone, staying with hundreds of predators around me.

Just this thoughts hurt me more than ever.

I'm basically like a soft shell turtle living in a large lake.Unknown danger swarming through every side.

And I don't like the unknown. ( INTO THE UNKNOWN!!!! 🎵🎶 )

I don't like it if I didn't know it, there's many possibility in what will happen after dream leave.

And overthinking this isn't helping at all because dream is leaving to the neighbouring village for 2 days. 2 DAYS!!!

" Dream, please don't go!! DON'T GOO!!!!! " I'm practically begging on my knees, hugging dream legs so that he can never take another step.

" But nightmare- I need to heal that grandpa!!" He struggles, shaking his legs.

I tightened my grasp, pulling his clothes towards me.This shit-

" But last time you healed a grandpa- he fly!!!! " I tried to convince him, bringing back his horrid experience.

" Well this time, I will make sure nobody fly anymore "dream scoff.Forcing his body to walk towards the door.Carrying nightmare body too with him.

" I swear if you take one step more towards the door, I will wrack your room and this village!!! " I threatened.I wouldn't actually do it but I gotta make a hard impression.

I'm his big brother!! he's not gonna rebel against my order right??

" Well then do it, I don't care " he rolled his eyes.Glaring at me.

" You don't care about the village?? the kids?? "

I tried bringing up a topic that would soften him, there's no way a random grandpa is gonna win with kids right??

Apparently I'm wrong.

He will leave, tonight.

And I would be left alone inside of this mansion for 2 days.Without him in here.

I'm fucked.

I'm gonna die.

He's gonna be brotherless.

( Sad wiper crying noise )

I made my ways to my room, eyes scanning the hallway as I walk.

What am I gonna do??

I'm sure that the villagers are already planning for my demise when they heard the announcement of dream going out.

I try to relax my mind, opening my room door knob slowly.

I'm the big brother here, but why am I so useless.My gosh!!

A prince ( Reincarnated as dream sans )Where stories live. Discover now