Jurassic Park-2

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As the screen fades to a unknown person brushing something from the ground.

Everybody was puzzled of why was this person brushing up the ground. Charlie then realized that it's a bone.

"Um sir do you perhaps know what this animal is?" Charlie asked Alan grant.

"Why yes. From the looks of it, it would be a velociraptor." Alan answered.

"Oh. But can you tell me what this fossil is?" Charlie was disappointed with his first answer but asked Alan Grant the next question.

Charlie took something out of his necklace filled with dragon teeth but something quite odd was also in the necklace. It was a skull with a bird like beak. Many of the audience were shocked of the creature's skull. Alan Grant was also shocked.

"I've seen this skull before. It's a Zalmoxes a plant eater just twice as long as an average household cat.

Charlie was excited. Then a thought came to his mind. We're their dinosaurs in areas that were built around magic. Charlie kept that to himself to spare him the trouble.

As the screen pans to more people digging and cleaning the fossils as the screen zooms out and finally shows what they were digging up.

The Hall was silent as the saw how big this creature was.

It was a velociraptor.

"Dr Grant, Dr Sattler we're ready to try again." A person walking towards the group said.

"I hate computers." Alan Grant said.

As the screen now shows Alan and Elie in a screen together with Elie tying Alan's bandanna around his neck.

The JP group looked towards the the two mentioned. Both of them well Alan slightly blushed and looked away and Elie blushed beating red before looking towards the screen again.

"The feeling is mutual." Elie Sattler responds.

As both Elie and Alan walk towards a site.

The screen then changes to a group of people using the machine. As the machine does something and dust starts flying off.

We see Alan arriving and heading towards a tent.

"How long would this usually take?" Elie asked a man.

"She would bring an immediate return, shoot the radar into the ground and the bone bounces the image." The man paused.

"Back bounces it back " The man said.

As the camera pans toward a camera digitally making a image of the skeleton.

The audience is shock on how advanced the muggle technology has gone, while the purebloods thought of how far they were behind.

"This new program is incredible, a few more years development and we won't even have to dig anymore." The man behind the computer said in relief.

"Where's the fun in that?" Alan questioned.

"It's a little distorted, but I don't think it's the computer." The man said.

"Why of course! You never got to experience the wonders of technology." Hammond boasted much to the amusement of Samuel.

"Look." Elie said.

"Post-mortem contraction of the posterior neck ligaments. Velociraptor?" Elie answered looking at the digital photo.

"Yes, Good shape, too. It's five... six feet high. I'm guessing nine feet long. Look at the extraordinary--" Alan got cut off as the computer flickered when he touched it.

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