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Harry's fourth year at hogwarts, everyone in the great hall was talking to each other about how Harry got into the Tri-Wizard Tournament, sitting at the Gryffindor table with his two best friend Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Perseus Lupin-Black as they where talking about the San Diego Incident. The door of the great hall open they look up and saw his Parent, the Lupin-Black,  the rest of the Weasley's family, the Tonks, the order of the pheonix, the Malfoys and a few others.

"My dear guests may I ask why you have all arrived here?" Dumbledore ask confused to why they are here.

"All of us had a letter asking us to come here, that it was of most importance." Amelia answered Dumbledore.

As they were trying to understand the situation they noticed a yellow ring appear with a man with blue flames for hair, 4 golden rings across his wrist and legs, and a cape with constellation patterns exiting the ring.

"Hello my name is Fents bleus, I am the one who had sent the letter and make you all come here, I wanted to show you that your magic is no longer the one on top anymore. So I will summon our guests of honor, some of you may have heard of them due to the incident from San Diego." Fents bleus explained, Hermione and Perseus squealed at the thought of meeting them but had blushed in embarrassment when they saw everyone looking at their direction, realization hit her that she unknowingly squealed loudly.

"I can not believe the people who stopped the San Diego Incident are coming here."

"Who are they?" A lot of people asked while the group looked on in shock.

"They are a group of people that saves San Diego from a creature that took the lives of many how do you not know this!" The group consisting of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, and Perseus Lupin-Black said in shock.

A lot of people scoffed or worried that a creature that took the lives of those muggles with ease exist.

"Oh and by the way your son will also be in that group."Fents Bleus casually said to the Potter family who had a look of shock at the Revelation.

"You know about our son." Lily said with hope in her eyes.

"Yes, I watched his life and his future." Fents Bleus responded.

"Wait I have a brother!?" Harry exclaimed while standing up feeling betrayed that they haven't told him that he has a brother.

"U-um yes, you have an older brother, who was kidnapped before you were born, we never told you this because it was a painful memory." Lily explained to Harry who can clearly see how much pain that event that had affected his mother, so he hugged her.

Everyone look back to see Fents Bleus do some weird hand movements and the rings wrapping around his limbs detached and start glowing with a weird apparition starting to appear inside the ring. Students looked on with awe, seeing this entity doing what they think is wandless magic with ease.

Then 6 males and 2 females fall out of the ring in a dog pile while the two females landed safely.

"Guys your squeezing me"

The dog pile group starts to stand up and look around their surroundings to see what's going on.

"Ok Malcolm what did you do?" A man with gray hair and a messy beard accused.

"I didn't do anything this time." A man with dark brown hair with a shaved beard responded.

Fents Bleus cleared his throat getting the attention of the people that came from the ring.

"I'm Fents Bleus and it was me that has brought you here. Fents Bleus said, the man with a shaven beard narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why had you brought us here?" A woman with (Blond, platinum?) hair asked but still in the ground.

"I had brought you all here from the future to prepare what's to come and to prevent it." Fents Bleus explained.

"And what's your plan for that?" Asked the same woman from before.

"Well I'll make it so that you can watch movies of the past and future to better prepare what's is coming." Fents Bleus replied.

"Now I think it's time to introduce yourselves." Fents Bleus added.

"Ian Malcolm."

"Dr. Alan Grant."

"Elie Sattler."

"John Hammond."

"Dr. Henry Wu."

"Lex Murphy."

"Tim Murphy."

"And I am Samuel Malcolm." Said the one with the shaven beard who looked a lot like James.

The Potter's, Sirius and Remus turn towards Fents Bleus who nodded conforming that he was indeed their son.

"Samuel, baby is that you?" Lily asked in a quivering tone.

"Uh who are you?" Samuel asked crossing his arms.

"We are your parents and that's your little brother." James answered back, with Harry waving awkwardly at his older brother with a shy smile.

Samuel sigh as he knows he is adopted when his adoptive father told him, since he doesn't know them, he'll have to get to know them better before having a judgment.

There's an awkward silence for a little bit before Tim decided to ask a question that they been wondering since arriving here.

"Where are we, can someone at least tell us that." Tim asked, knowing from his surroundings that they are in some kind of a school with how many children there are.

"You are at Hogwart school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I'm the headmaster of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore." Albus replied in his kind grandfatherly voice.

During this Fents Bleus changed the great hall completely to make it more comfortable for the movie marathon, with a large screen descending from the ceiling in front of everyone. With that everyone are taking their seat with the JP Group sitting together.

Harry look toward Perseus and Hermione with them sending him encouraging smile knowing what she want to do, so walk toward his newly found big brother and when the JP group look at him, he become a little shy. "Can i sit with you?" Harry shyly asked his big brother wanting to sit close to him and get to know him better.

"Yeah sure." Samuel said with a smile. He sit left to him with Samuel's adoptive father Ian sitting to his right. The Potter's saw the interaction and smile happy that their children are interacting with each other. But sad that it took all this years for it to happen.

With that the screen flashed on-

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