Another one

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(Y/n) made her way toward the first, and to what she's pretty sure was her favorite lesson, mostly due to the extra work her parents put on her math.

"I don't know how you can stand this subject (Y/n), it's so exhausting." Saki said, already yawning at the thought of doing arithmetic's.

"When you do something a lot you tend to like it, like how you take a 1 hour nap every lesson." (Y/n) bumps the sleepy blonds head to wake her from her dreamy state.

Rubbing where she got the blow while giving the assaulter a churlish glare "Well it's not my fault that it is boring when Lala isn't there." During most lessons, the twins would be together and, due to the agreement they made with her mom, sit with (Y/n). But occasionally, a lesson would come along when the twins don't have the same class and they would either pay more attention or no attention at all during that time.

As the two girls walked their way to their assigned class, going into their own separate bubbles, till they spread world collide into each other like (y/n) to Saki's back when they were entering the class.

"Ow! Why did you stop?" (Y/n) asked in confusion and irritation. Saki grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her to the ground along with herself. "What's wrong with you, we almost tripped the people behind us?!" (Y/n) whisper-yelled at her spy.

"Did you see them?!" Saki grinned manically at the (h/c) girl. (Y/n) stared at ecstatic girl making a quick glance to the room before shrugging. "Bako is in our math class! But not only that, look at the person he's sitting next to!" Saki shoved (Y/n)'s head up to get a glimpse at who she was talking about. She lazily scanned the room and spotted the blue haired male and saw what got the tomboy so perked.

Next to him sat a boy that looked close to the new classmate's age with, well looked after, blond hair and dazzling chestnut eyes. He held a sort of mischievous air about him and gave a playful grin towards Bako. 'Kinda reminds me of Jess' (y/n) though seeing how they had a somewhat similar demeanor and blond hair.

"That must be one of the new guys! There might just be a love fairy looking out for me after all!" Saki half whispered; half screeched. Making (y/n) grin at the girl's hypocrisy to her pervious claim.

Suddenly, the girls heard an irritated cough from above, leading them to look up into the impatient and vexed face of their math teacher. The females stood up immediately, expressions turned crimson in discomposure.

"What were you doing down there?" Mr. Miazaki asked the two females. Saki pondered frantically to think of a passable excuse.

"Saki Fell!" (y/n) said out of instinct, only for the teacher to look at them utterly puzzled at her claim.

"So, why were you two talking then?" Mr. Miazaki asked, wanting for a little more information on (Y/n) claim.

"Oh, um...just a witty comment, ok we'll be leaving now" (y/n) was rushing off to her seat while grabbing her spy's wrist, dragging her till she realized she was moving, now going at her own pace.

"Thanks, you saved me back there" Saki said in a bit of a hush as (y/n) turned her head around to regard the girl "well I can't have you just get in trouble for no reason, then who is Lala going to talk to?".

"Hey! I have a life beside her," Saki said, not wanting to only be known as her sister's other half.

"Yeah, sure" (y/n) said, brushing off the comment and taking her seat as Saki took the one next to her to keep her side of the promise she made with the worried lady.

As the lesson began, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel uneasy as she felt as though she was pierced in a way. After glancing around the room to see all engaged in their own activities and chalked it up to her previous assumption from her last class, and focus as much as she could on her work. She glanced at the tomboy's direction to see her peaceful form in deep slumber with her hand still holding on to the pen, stopped halfway through writing the question. (Y/n) considered what way she should wake up her friend.

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