Ch. 05 - Beginning of Everything

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Three woman enter Storybrookes elementary school in varying degrees of behavior.

One woman storms angrily through the halls, showing zero regard for anyone around her.

Another walks at a leisurely pace, brow quirking every time the angered woman brushes harshly past children and adults alike.

And the third trails hesitantly besides the calm woman, wondering vaguely why no one is standing up to the angered woman as she bulldozes all in her path.

Surely, dear reader, the identities of these three woman are clear.

Ali frowns in distaste as Regina storms up to Henry's teacher, shoving through the children leaving her class as she goes.

"We'll pick this up after recess. No running!" Mary Margret calls as the kids leave, her smile falling slightly as the Mayor approaches. "Miss.Mills, what are you doing here?"

"Where's my son?" She snaps.

"Tone it down Regina, there's preschool toys present. And besides, she probably thought he was home sick with you." Ali aims the last part towards the teacher, shooting her a questioning look.

The teacher nods quickly, "That's what I assumed, yes-"

"You think I'd be here if he was?" The mayor seethes "Did you give him your credit card so he can find her?" She gestures towards Emma.

Ali sends the mayor a sharp look but, nonetheless, looks to the teacher curiously.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I'm his... I'm his-"

"The woman who gave him up for adoption." The mayor says tartly.

The teachers face flashes with surprise and, despite the absurd situation, walks behind her desk to grab her purse. Emma sees her fish around for her wallet concernedly and sends her a sympathetic look,

"You don't know anything about this do you?"

She sighs and shakes her head, "No, unfortunately not."

She opens up her wallet and, noticing that her credit card is missing, sighs again "Clever boy... I should have never given him that book..."

Ali winces, side eyeing the Mayor. She'd neglected to tell her about that book, although she wasn't quite sure why.

"What the hell is this book I keep hearing about?" She rounds on Ali, "You're his nanny, why haven't I heard about this?"

Ali's expressions cools quickly, "It's just a book Madam Mayor, I didn't think it'd be anything of concern."

Seeing the Mayors quickly reddening face, Mary Margaret quickly explains "Just some old stories I gave him. As you well know, Henry is a special boy. So smart, so creative... and as you might be aware, lonely. He needed it."

"What he needs is a dose of reality. This is a waste of time." The Mayor snaps and storms out of the room, knocking over a stack of books as she goes. "Have a nice trip back to Boston" she barks over her shoulder.

Ali and Emma mirror equal looks of annoyance at the Mayors audacity and quickly bend to help pick up the books.

"Sorry to bother you." Emma says, glancing up at the teacher.

"No it's-" she pauses, looking at Emma as though bewildered before shaking her head. "It's okay. I fear this is partially my fault."

Ali eyes the interaction curiously, 'What was that look? Does she look familiar or something?' Ali mentally shakes herself 'I'm looking way too far into this. Maybe it's time to stop reading so many mystery books...'

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