Chapter 10 - Up a Creek

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Chapter Description: Neal and James get to know each other. Angst ahoy!

June's mansion. July 25, 2006. Tuesday evening.

Neal double-checked his ensemble in the vestibule's mirror. This time he'd gone with black slacks and a black turtleneck. "I feel like I'm going out on a date instead of hanging out with my father," he grumbled. "Should I change?" He glanced at the stairs. Was there time to pick out something else?

"You look like a classic New Yorker," June said.

"Or a cat burglar," Neal answered, remembering what Peter would say.

"I rather enjoy imagining that every New Yorker I meet who's wearing all black is planning a burglary." June reached up to Neal's shoulders and turned him around to face her. "This is you, Neal. Don't change. And remember it's up to you how much of yourself to share tonight. You don't have to tell James everything, not if it doesn't feel right."

Neal grinned at her. "I'm imagining you and Byron warning your daughters not to go all the way on a first date."

June chuckled, and Neal appreciated that they could joke about his plans. This was going to be a complicated evening. Not only were Neal and James spending time together and getting to know each other, but they were also being monitored by Win-Win, who would be watching for anyone tailing them. The plan was to let the expected tail overhear very specific information to report to Pratt.

Peter had been right about Pratt moving fast. By noon on Monday, both El and June had received calls from exterminators saying they wanted to stop by due to reports of infestations at neighboring homes. The caller had implied that he was with the companies that had done previous work for the Burkes and Ellingtons and that this was simply an expedited return visit.

Neither woman had fallen for the ruse, and Peter soon found a connection between the number placing the calls and the exterminator Flynn was associated with.

Now Neal eyed a black fedora on a peg by the front door. Normally he wouldn't hesitate to wear it, but tonight he shook his head and decided against it. Whether he was withholding a little bit of himself from James, from Pratt, or from both, he couldn't quite say, but he hadn't worn a hat since doing the search that kicked things off Sunday night.

"What would I do without you?" Neal asked June, leaning down for a quick hug. "I reconnected with my Caffrey relatives, and I have found family with you. If things work out with the Bennett side, that's just icing on the cake."

June cleared her throat. "I was going to wait until Sara got back to say this, but given everything with your father, it feels like something I should offer now. If you and Sara have children, I would be delighted if they called me Grandma June."

Neal squeezed her hands. "That means the world to me. Thank you." He realized that if Ellen could come out of WITSEC, she would also be a fantastic grandmother, as would Noelle and Sara's aunt Celeste. Neal would have an abundance of supportive family regardless of how things turned out with his dad.

When Neal stepped outside, James was waiting on the sidewalk. "That's some kinda place," James said. "I thought your mom's folks were loaded, but even they didn't have a mansion. You live here?"

As they walked, Neal told the story of how he'd met the Ellingtons and become their tenant. It served the purpose of opening up to James while sticking to information he didn't mind Pratt knowing. Checking the reflection in shop windows, he soon confirmed they were being tailed, and it was best to assume the tail had eavesdropping equipment.

Soon they stepped into the Aloha Emporium. Neal lead the way to the cafe inside the shop, where they ordered kona coffee and slices of haupia pie. Sal from Win-Win was already seated at a table, his wheelchair holding items resembling medical devices, which were actually surveillance equipment. He'd soon be able to tell what type of equipment their tail was using. The woman in question was currently browsing the menu and pretending to ignore them.

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