Chapter 4 - Still Waters

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Chapter Description: Peter worries about Neal's plans to find his father. Ellen continues working undercover.

White Collar offices. July 11, 2006. Tuesday morning.

Peter had expected to be the first member of his team to arrive this morning, but Neal was already there, filling the coffee maker. "You're here early," Peter said.

"Good morning to you, too," Neal said. "Mozzie decided to call at the crack of dawn. Since I was awake, I thought I might as well head to work."

"Do you have an update on the case we discussed yesterday?" Peter asked. When Neal didn't respond, Peter added, "The search for James Bennett."

"I never mentioned what the case was," Neal pointed out.

"You said Ellen wanted to stay off the radar while working with Winston-Winslow. What else would she be investigating?"

Neal put the coffee supplies back in the cabinet. "Listen, you still have plausible deniability. I went to Win-Win with this to keep you and the FBI out of it. I'll give you the details if you insist, but I need you to be sure that's what you want."

"I appreciate the gesture," Peter said, "but what little I already know was causing insomnia last night. I'd rather have the full picture."

Neal didn't look surprised. He followed Peter upstairs to his office and updated him on what Win-Win had discovered so far.

Peter smiled.

"What?" Neal asked.

"Two things. First, your experience with the Bureau is showing. Two years ago you wouldn't have given such a thorough, focused description of a case. Second, you and Henry have landed on a way to go rogue that I can't complain about. You're being smart, not taking any unnecessary risks. I was prepared to warn you against looking for James..." He paused, seeing Neal ready to object, but Peter raised a hand. "Hear me out. I agree that having him hanging out in New York isn't ideal. Who knows what trouble he could get into, and how it might affect you? I agree that it's best to find him and learn what he's up to. Since the Marshals haven't managed it after so many weeks, it makes sense to bring in Win-Win and their resources."

"I'm glad we're on the same page," Neal said. "Or are we? I feel like you're about to add a caveat."

"If James is here to confront someone from his past, I don't want you bringing attention to yourself. Don't be seen with him, not when there's the danger of a mobster or desperate ex-cop realizing you're his son."

"You're worried they might decide to use me as leverage."

That was exactly what worried Peter. "They could target you to influence James. And I think you should stay away from Ellen, too. If she and Henry get close to the person James is after, they can make it look like a coincidence with their event-planning cover. But if someone wants to check out the cover story and sees James' son hanging around too, that could endanger her."

"I'm Henry's best man," Neal protested, but he didn't put much of heat into it.

"That's only the first caveat. Here's the second one. I'd like to talk to Hughes about this, let him know what's going on."

Neal frowned.

"If you reach a point where FBI resources would be helpful, we'll save a lot of time if Hughes is in the loop. It will reduce resistance in the long run, and it will look better for me if I keep my boss informed that a member of my team might be a mob target."

Neal still frowned, but he nodded.

"You mentioned being on the same page. Let's keep it that way. I don't want to repeat what we went through when Henry's father disappeared."

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