Unwanted Needs

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While Loki rests deeply satisfied on his back with his hands folded behind his head Thor lies beside him on his back as well. But he doesn't seem relaxed at all. Instead a deep frown is shadowing his face. Loki waits for him to say something but the blond prince stays unusually silent.

Loki: Don't tell me you regret what we have done.

Thor: Of course not...

Loki: Because I didn't get the impression you disliked anything of what happened. I would rather say you enjoyed it more than when you share a bed with a woman. It doesn't really surprise me as I am really an expert in-

Thor: I said I don't regret it, alright?

Loki laughs about how easily Thor feels provoked. He turns to the side to observe Thor with a smirk on his lips.

Loki: What's the problem then?

Thor: There is no problem. It's just...

Once again Thor doesn't continue speaking but shakes only his head instead. Then he lets out a frustrated sigh.

Loki: What's the matter with you? I didn't know you can be at loss for words or even act so ruminative. Usually the words just spill out of you without thinking twice. You have never been fond of the phrase 'first think than talk'. I mean, if this words would have at least a little bit depth then-

A deep growl comes out of Thors throat. Within seconds Thor is on top of Loki and has the other ones arms stretched up over his head. Thors grip around Lokis wrists is that tight even cuts of the blood supply in his hands. The fury that burns in Thors eyes should intimidate him. But of course Loki isn't afraid of him. Thor would never hurt him. Not really.

Loki feels quite the opposite though. The blood rushes down between his legs to awaken his cock anew. His breathing quickens while he looks up to Thor with a challenging grin on his lips.

Loki can remember several other occasions where both of them has been in similar situations. Except with clothes on and none of their cocks so hard it is almost painful. Of course it hasn't been the first time Loki has pushed him over the limits. Usually it ends with Thors hand around his neck and a growled warning from him. He couldn't deny it has aroused him every time Thor has done this. If he would have known back then that Thor has enjoyed it as well he might have made a move earlier.

How could he have overseen it before? This sparkle in Thors eyes of which he thought is only anger. Arousal can be mistaken with fury so easily. But now that Loki knows how much Thor desires him, how much he has loved to fuck him, the signs are everywhere. Thors heart beats heavy against Lokis chest. His breath is as accelerated as his. The blue colour of Thors eyes almost vanishes behind his dilated pupils. But the clearest signal is Thors hard cock that presses against Lokis thigh.

Loki discovers something else. There is still room for further teasing. He is aware he should probably stop but he could never holds himself back when it comes to play with Thors patience.

Loki: I didn't upset you, did I? You, the mighty Thor, god of thunder. Known for his unpredictable temper and miscalculation of his strength. How could I ever do such a foolish thing as to tease-

His last words are cut off when Thors hand goes around Lokis throat. He squeezes it that tight that Lokis words are cut off.

Thor: Do you ever shut up?

Loki: Do you really know me so little?

Thor: Unfortunately I know you enough to know there is hardly anything that keeps you from talking.

Thors lips forms a sly smile as well.

Thor: ... except earlier when the only thing you could scream was my name.

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