14 1 0

"The fuck!" I groaned as the alarm was ringing vigorously.

I reached out for my phone but if fell off the night stand and the water glass fell down as well making a crashing sound.

A great way to start the day!

I went to my washroom stumbling upon the way but I surely didn't cut my foot. Morning routine was completed in 30 mins. Taking out the glass pieces, I went to my room again to grab my phone and head out.

Suddenly a text popped up on the screen.

From Dipshit

Meet me at Andenos' Tower at 12.


To Dipshit

I'm busy unlike your lazy ass.

From Dipshit

Pearls and homes.

I let out an annoyed sigh, it was about the company.

To Dipshit

Ok, I'll be there.

I reached my office in about 10 mins, I got my apartment near the block so that I won't be late for office, talk about me being a heavy sleeper.

"Anna, my coffee." I called out for my P.A. and best friend. "Coming right up!"  she replied. The remaining employees greeted me and went back to work. I reached my cabin, threw my blazer on the couch and started working. Anna entered my cabin with a cup of coffee and started reading out today's schedule.

"You have a meeting with Mr.David at 3pm to finalize the deal for their new resort." Mr.David sure was rich, he was the only one who didn't leave me after my investors went away taking away all the deals as well. I still got the deal of his new restaurants, boutiques and resorts. He said it wasn't pity rather it was the work that made him stay, he believed that I was more talented than the ones out there.

"You have to sign another deal with Mr. Isaac, dinner." Isaac was of my age, he was starting his own start-up and signed up with me for his restaurant. He was a great friend and he was opening another restaurant right around Alex's office. 

She went with few more and then said "That's it for today." I nodded and then she plopped up on my couch.

"So, how did it went with Alex yesterday?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows. 

Yep, she was back to her protective friend-self.

"Nothing happened, I just burst out and he canceled the dumbass rules." I rolled my eyes at the thought.


"A naked woman came into the room and sat on his laps in front of me." I said my eyes still glued to the computer as I typed a mail to Isaac about the new deal. It was silent for a minute or two and only the typing sound was filling the room but then I heard the loudest shriek in my entire life. Ok I maybe exaggerating a bit but it was loud enough for all my employees to gather around my cabin, eavesdropping our conversation, what they didn't know was there were plenty of them for me to see them clearly.

"I can see you, go back to work!" I yelled and all of them ran away.

"What the actual fuck!? So this means your to-be-husband is a fucking womanizer who whores around even when his to-be-wife is in front of him!" I cringed at her pronouncing me like that.

"Hey, don't call me that, it's fucking cringe-y."

"I can't in hell let you marry this man!" she screamed again.

"Well, I think someone was trying to persuade me to marry him. 'You don't understand Carson, he's an Andenos.'" I told mimicking her words, she said yesterday.

"Well, I thought he's mature, seeing his-"

"interviews and well built body?" I completed her sentence and she nodded. 

"He's a good actor, Anna. But I have to marry him, its for the sake of this company. I am not able to pay them their regular salaries and they're still here working for me." I pointed at the door indicating that I was talking about my employees. "As a matter of fact, I haven't given your salary for the last month yet. So this is the best for me and the company. In fact, after seeing him, I know I will never find him attractive ever in my life. I'll just mind my own business while he will minds his." Well I may have lied a bit.

"You just lied to my face, no woman can resist Alex Andeno's stunning aura, it maybe different after you get to know him." She sighed and got up from the couch coming towards me and hugged me. 

"Don't be touchy, I hate it!" 

"Don't be stubborn, Carson. I know you need it." Indeed she knows what I need just by the look of my eyes. she's the only one I got. I sighed and hugged her back.


"Emily!" I exclaimed as I saw my girlfriend enter the room.

"Alex!" she hugged me, inhaling her scent, I felt relaxed.

A sweet floral scent

"You know, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." I said handing her the bouquet of lilies, her favorite flowers.

"Awe, thank you!"

"Anything for you, babe."

"Well, how about we have some fun?" she said in the most seductive voice. I didn't wait for a single second and smashed my lips into hers, her hands in my hair while I cupped her cheeks. Our little make out session stopped by a certain someone.

"I hope I was not invited over here to see someone make out." I groaned in annoyance. 

Oh shoot, it was 12, it was supposed to be a discussion about the company.


It was currently 11:30. It would take about 20 mins to reach Andenos' tower. I grabbed my things and the file and went to my car. 

Just in time.

I reached over at 11:50. His P.A. said he was not available right now but I was not the one to take this bullshit right now. I just went in. 

Oh god, my eyes!

I looked everywhere but them. Before he could see me, all embarrassed I gathered my composure again and coughed and he looked at me.

"I hope I was not invited over here to see someone make out." 

Damn, it was worth the scene!

"Oh, sorry I-I forgot about it." he stuttered probably embarrassed about the scene that was portrayed in front of me. I was pretty sure it was the girl from yesterday. She turned around and...

I'm never wrong.

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