chapter 1

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Natasha Romanoff had secrets she kept hidden from the world all except one other person, the man beside her, Clin Barton, Natasha had a feeling inside her one of worry, it was as if someone she could barely remember was dying, it was six o'clock in the morning, Natasha had only gotten 4 hours of sleep, she sighed and looked to her right, she smiled at the man beside her, Clint and Natasha had secrets, they were married with children, the Avengers didn't know and the assassins prayed they never would, Natasha shared a floor with Clint the avengers knew that, what they didn't know was that Natasha sneaks into Clint's room at night due to nightmares. Natasha and Clint got ready for the day, Natasha put her necklace on which held her wedding ring and engagement ring. the avengers watched the news and ate breakfast.

"hello my name is Christine Everheart reporting to you live from Russia, the Tsar is dying and the people are praying that the grand duchess who was taken at age two in 2004 will be returned to them and soon, we have a photo taken 2 days before she was taken {Christine Everheart holds up the picture} the Russian people can only hope she returns" 

when Nick Fury walked in "Avengers i need you to find the grand duchess of Russia" "why?" asked Tony "Russia supplies Natasha's enhancers i happen to good friends with the Tsar and Tsarina and if the Russian princess is not returned Natasha will die" "how did they get access to my enhancer formula?" asked Natasha "i gave them a vial and you seem to be running out quick romanoff" said Nick "can she survive without it?" asked Steve "no it is in her blood stream" replied Nick "to Russia we go i suppose" Bruce. Everyone packed, Natasha packed enhancers and lots of them. they got on a Quinjet.

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