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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈KHJ ★

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It was finally the morning of sunday, the sunlight hit his eyes, he cursed himself for not closing the window curtains, hongjoong barely had a wink of sleep, he was too busy overthinking last night, why? he doesn't know either, he just did, hongjoong dragged himself out of the bed and walked out his room, the house was silent, his parents were probably asleep, they usually go out when his dad's home and has the weekend off, leaving hongjoong behind of course.

Hongjoong sat on the couch, mentally cursing at himself for overthinking something so small and insignificant, he knew that seonghwa would just shrug it off and continue with his day, so he tried to do the same but he kept thinking about what did seonghwa think, the image of the sparkle of  anticipation and excitement in seonghwa's eyes never left his thoughts the whole night. Hongjoong shifted a bit on the long grey couch, he lifted his legs and hugged them, burying his face on his knees, he closed his eyes and started remembering the moment again, how everytime he tried to slip away seonghwa would pull him back, seonghwa's warmth and lavender vanilla smell, it was driving him insane at the moment but somehow he missed it now, Hongjoong broke out of his thoughts "what am i thinking" he said raising his head and pressing his cold hands on his burning cheeks, "Oh .. "


Seonghwa was already awake, he was once again busy in the kitchen walking around doing breakfast for his mother, "seonghwa why is the restroom clogged?" his mother called from the restroom in the hallway, Seonghwa's eyes widened, no one really enters that restroom... until yesterday, he did remember someone went into that restroom.. but who was it, then it clicked Yunho, he gulped and started panicking, "uhm, i don't know ...?" he said , his mother went to the kitchen, and looked at Seonghwa straight into his eyes "Park Seonghwa why is the restroom clogged ? " his mom said again, Seonghwa's shoulders dropped, he's really a bad liar " uh.. some ... friends came over last night..." he said mumbling "it wasn't that Hongjoong kid right?" she said Seonghwa flinched remembering last night, "N-no! um it was someone else" his mom squint her eyes "i'll believe you this time, so who was the friend here?" she asked again, "a friend from school, he's a first year" in reality they were a BUNCH of first years there last night, his mom nodded showing she was listening.

sometime later, his mom and him went to do their own thing, seonghwa sat on his desk, he was trying to concentrate on his notes, he usually gave them to Hongjoong... Hongjoong, his thoughts drifted to the younger male, he started to have flashbacks from the night before, Hongjoong and him never had type of closeness in all their years of friendship, Hongjoong wasnt a fan of skinship so Seonghwa respected that, they just shared a casual hug or a necessary hug but from there they never really did anything from there, it was a nice experience, he remembered how Hongjoong fit perfectly in his lap, like two puzzle pieces, the scent of him, his shampoo, the same lavender vanilla smell Seonghwa had, it drove him crazy, he longed for Hongjoongs touch again, "Ah Gosh, why am i thinking this ... " he said clutching his chest feeling his heart almost going out of his chest, his cheeks were crimson red, tomorrow is going to be wildfire at school, how is Seonghwa going to face him after that happening... ??

The next morning

Seonghwa was arriving to school, he greeted students back while he headed to the building, Seonghwa scanned around for the younger male, its not like he wanted to avoid him just be aware of him appearing out of nowhere.

Seonghwa arrived, still no sight of Hongjoong, maybe he was skipping class again, the minutes passed by and more students entered the room, the people that sat around him greeted him as they sat down, Seonghwa kept looking at the entrance as he heard the sliding noise of the door "is he really skipping today?" he mumbled to himself.

Almost close to the first bell to ring, everyone was in class but Hongjoong, then suddenly the door is slid in a harsh way making some people flinch and Seonghwa shoot his head up quickly, there he was Kim Hongjoong himself entering the class, everyone ignored him once he entered, he was panting and he had beads of sweat running down his face his jet-black bangs sticked to his forehead, his uniform was all over the place, he looked like he came out of some lewd dream or something, Seonghwa gulped as their eyes met, Hongjoong looked immediately down and walked to his seat, which was placed infront of Seonghwa, "Good Morning Hongjoong" Seonghwa whispered to him, Hongjoong back just went up and down still tired from running all from his house to the school, Hongjoong side looked at him his side profile just visible to Seonghwa "Morning."


"He wont speak to you?" Mingi said while he was munching on something in his lunch plate, Seonghwa nodded, this lunch was different since he was eating with Mingi & Yunho, who saw him eating alone, Hongjoong didn't appear anywhere in the cafeteria, Wooyoung arrived being followed by Yeosang, the younger one looked at Seonghwa and sat next to him "what's wrong?" he asked his deep voice melting in Seonghwa's ears, the boy turned around to Seonghwa "Hongjoong won't talk to me since Saturday, I tried calling him Sunday but he didn't answer at all" Yeosang's eyebrows furrowed "that's strange? is he usually like this?" Yeosang asked, Seonghwa stared at Yeosangs brown eyes, and shook his head, Yeosang stood up with his tray and left the group, everyone looked at each other confused "Don't mind him Hyung, he does spontaneous things like that" Wooyoung said as he scooted closer to Yunho stealing something from Yunhos lunch


Hongjoong decided to ear lunch alone today, he wasn't sure how he was going to confront Seonghwa with his thoughts racing on his mind, Hongjoong already had a lot on his mind and the thought of talking to Seonghwa made him very anxious.

After some time, he heard walking and it was towards him, he turned around meeting eyes with Yeosang, Hongjoong smiled at him "Hey, Hyung!" Yeosang called with his tray on his hands "Hello Yeo" he said smiling at the brunette "What's up?" Hongjoong asked ruffling Yeosangs already kind of messy hair "Hyung, i have a question for you, well a lot— sorta" he said rambling, Hongjoong nodded listening to him, "Tell me" he said looking at him, "Why did you leave Seonghwa Hyung alone" Hongjoong flinched as he heard Seonghwa's name escape out of Yeosangs mouth, his ears turned red out of Yeosang's lips "oh um its not him, its actually me dont worry about it" he said looking away avoiding eye contact with the younger one "Hyung, um" Hongjoong looked back at Yeosang "Say it go ahead" he said smiling

"do you like Seonghwa Hyung?"


WOAH ANOTHER UPDATE ???? my writers block is fading away, but tbh i just got inspired again after reading THIS GOOD ASS FANFIC OMG I CRIED LAUGHED GOT MAD AND EVEN DEVELOPED FEELINGS I DIDNT KNOW I HAVE OMG ITS SO GOOD, that fanfic deserves an BIG AWARD omg

anyways, im back and better than ever 🤭 i am barely half way through the book but i already have the ending planned 😋 so y'all be ready for that

- maia ♥︎

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