12 | You're such a kid!

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Refered song : Dil diyan gallan



Kartik and naira sat on the very last seat of the bus and the driver started driving, taking all of them to their destination. Kartik glanced at naira who was staring out of the window. He smiled lightly.

" Let's play something" Mansi said as she was getting bored sitting on her seat and not doing anything but only stealing glances from everyone.

" Shut up and sit quietly, we are reaching the lake in 15 minutes" Surekha chided and made her mouth shut while Shubham and luv kush laughed.

Naira was trying to forget the dread memories that happened last night and somehow she succeeded to some point. Staying with everyone or rather only with kartik makes her forget the things that happened and she was extremely thankful that the memories were not haunting her anymore atleast now.

She stole glances from Kartik who was now busy checking some mails from the office " Again, office works " naira groaned saying this in gruffly tone.

" I heard you princess," Kartik said in a very calm voice as his focus was only on checking the mail right now.

" You know what, you should marry your office work instead of me," Naira said, getting pissed because he was giving more attention to his work rather than her.

Kartik tried to hide his smile and didn't say anything but mumbled a small " Fine " to piss her off more.

Naira grabbed a water bottle from the near seat and opened the cap while holding the bottle in a death grip kind of murdering it. she gulped half of the water because she was exploding anytime.

' You're jealous ' mocked her conscious

' I'm not '

' You're '

' So what if I am ' Naira squeezed the bottle hard taking the poor thing's life while the youngsters stared at her in a confused gaze who was boiling in ANGER ? or JEALOUSY?

" We have reached the lake " Luv kush jumped out of excitement and exited the bus.

" Luv kush, be careful " Naira got off the bus after them.

Soon, Kartik was after her and everyone exited the bus smiling and laughing.

" Kids, don't go anywhere out of the spot without informing us. We will meet at the Lunch spot at 12:00 " Manish informed the youngsters and soon everyone was out of their sight sprawled around the spot.

Naira on the other hand had reached her favourite spot. Her favourite tree which was surrounded by beautiful small flowers on the ground with the same big swing still on the large branch of the tree. It was located a little far from the lake area.

Naira sat on the swing smiling to herself as her childhood memories flashed in front of her eyes. She gazed at the view which was surreal. The sun was shining brightly as the small flowers danced with the cool breezes feeling happy.

Kartik and Veer who were dragged from one place to another by Aryan were getting annoyed by his chattering about their childhood memories when they used to throw stones from a little far to the lake and whose stone would reach to the farthest point was bound to give them an ice cream treat.

" Those good old days " Aryan whispered to the side , hugging Kartik and veer who patted his back.

" Remember we used to come here by cycle during the afternoons" Veer said, laughing lightly.

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