Ch 2.

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Something seemed to change after that. Harry found himself and Draco engaging in conversation that he never thought they would have. Since everyone was home for the Christmas Holidays Harry and Draco spent time together from morning to afternoon. One thing that Harry also began to realise is that he didn't have nearly the amount of panic attacks like he used to, and that was nice. It was great being able to talk to Draco without a care in the world.

So now they sat down both doing their holiday homework, it was only the third day but with the amount of Homework Snape both gave them Draco was determined to finish it tonight.

Although Harry hated doing work it was actually nice being able to do it with Draco. He was just so elegant, the way he flips through the pages in the air, casting spells at the same time whilst filing them in chronological order was always mesmerising to Harry. However at the end of the day, no matter how elegant Draco was they were still doing work.

So he began to sigh, desperate to get Draco's attention so that he would be able to do something. Draco however was too absorbed into his work to be able to notice Harry's sighs so he resorted to flicking a pen at him.

This caught Draco's attention and he stared at Harry surprised and smiling when Harry flicked another one at him.

"Harry" he said going back to looking at his work "you are so close to finishing, keep going"

Harry rolls over onto his back "We have been doing this all afternoon" he groans again "we can save it for tomorrow, let's do something"

"Harry it's late, what is there to do anyway"

Harry frowned and then smiled when he thought of an idea, sitting up and grabbing Draco's quill before he could write something down.

"We can talk?" he offered.

It was one of his favourite things to do with Draco.

"Ok" Draco agreed cautiously "about what?"

Harry shrugged "about anything you want, you curious about anything?"

Draco thought for a moment, biting his lip (Harry had to force himself not to kiss the git right then and there) "Are Ron and Hermoine dating?"

That question threw out every perverted thought and Harry gasped "how did you know?!"

Draco laughed beautifully "it was kind of obvious, though I do admit they make a great couple"

Harry smiles warmly at the thought of his two best friends "yeah Ron's been in love with her for as long as I remember"

"How nice" Draco says softly, catching Harry off guard with how beautiful he looked with the fireplace glow. The blush of his cheeks, the almost yearning sigh he did afterward all lead to a question that Harry had been dying to ask

"Have you ever been in love?" he blurted.

An adorable flush spread across his face "What kind of question is that?"

Harry grins "A normal one everyones been asked"

Draco shakes his head "I thought we were gonna be talking about school drama not about our personal feelings"

Harry rolls his eyes "oh come on Draco everyone always asks this question when they are hanging out with their mates"

Draco shakes his head "I certainly have not"

"oh come on don't be so prude" Harry says pushing Draco's shoulders slightly .

Draco shakes his head "No- it's true I-" he sighs "I've never talked about that before"

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