Sleeping Arrangement

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"Now what in God's name has decided to bring you to my room this late at night Potter?" Draco says, pushing his glasses up while he stared at the boy who lived clutching his pillows and blankets in his hands.

"I can't sleep" is all he says

Potter was standing outside of Draco's room with his snitch patterned pyjamas, his glasses slightly skewed and his hair more unruly than usual with dark bags that hang underneath his vibrant green eyes.

Draco shrugs "and what do you want me to do about that Potter?" Draco asked, beginning to become a little ticked off now. He was in the middle of finishing off the last of his holiday homework and had planned on finishing it tonight without any disturbance

"Well I heard you had a room all to yourself, and I was wondering if it was ok if I could sleep in one of the beds? Just for tonight?"

Draco just stared at him, his brow lightly contorted as he sighed and hardened his grip onto the door "Although yes that is true, why on earth would I let you sleep in them?"

Potter shrugs pushing his own glasses up "Well I just need a place to sleep cause Ron snores to loud"

"Why didn't you just put a silencing charm over him then?"

Potter stiffens, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly before sighing running his hand through his hair "Look, just- let me sleep here for tonight. Please Malfoy"

The desperate and tired tone made Malfoy clench his jaw and he bit his lip to clear his throat, taking a good look at Potter and contemplating. The golden boy did look exhausted, and Draco felt himself empathising when he saw how hard he was clutching onto his blanket, causing Draco to open the door fully, moving to the side

"I'll stop with the questions, but if you make too much noise you're out of here" Draco said returning back to his desk to study.

Abiding by Draco's rules Potter made his way to an empty bed and slowly made himself comfortable, the only sound filling the room was the rustling of bed sheets. Draco hears another sigh echo from where Potter laid and before Draco picks up his quill to continue his work. A small "thank you Malfoy" passes through the silence of the room as Potter closes the curtains on his bed canopy.

Draco freezes staring at his paper blankly and bit his lip "You're welcome" he says.

The fact that the golden boy was sleeping in Draco's room wasn't that completely weird. After the war Draco sent Potter a letter of apologies and they established some sort of weird truce only talking to each other when they needed to. The reason however, that made this whole situation less weird than it already was, is because of a weird intimate moment they had right before Christmas day last year. Potter and Draco had both decided to stay at Hogwarts to celebrate Christmas for entirely different reasons. Draco because he refused to stay in Malfoy manor and Potter because of reasons that Draco still doesn't know to this day.

Draco was walking around the school at night during Christmas eve, breathing in the cold air and listening to the sound of the snow crunching beneath his feet like a lullaby as if to soothe himself from the nightmare he just had previously. Which was where Draco found Potter, sitting on the floor watching the snowfall softly with small tears falling down his eyes. Draco knew better than to get involved with whatever the golden boy was crying about and continued to walk but then stopped when he was faced with the sudden question,

"Do you think we will ever get over this?"

It was a small question that perfectly surmised all the trauma and mistakes that were made during the war, all those sleepless nights yearning for faces that were never going to be seen again.

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