From his eyes.

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Harry's Perspective: 

Harry was probably one of the stupidest people out there. He was standing outside of Draco bloody Malfoy's room in his pyjamas completely out of his own will. His heart was thundering in his chest and he hasn't sweated this much since the time he was falsely entered in the Triwizard tournament. He looked down to his slippers and groaned. He has been running on two hours of sleep for the entirety of this week and he just couldn't handle it anymore. He was already here, why doesn't he just go for it? He stared at the door for another minute.

Welp, he might as well at least try.

He knocks on the door and in a timely manner Malfoy opens the door, adjusting his glasses upon seeing him.

Harry didn't know Draco wore glasses.

"Now what in God's name has decided to bring you to my room this late at night Potter?"

Harry realised in this moment how unprepared he was, he hadn't thought of their conversation this far and so said the first thing that entered his mind.

"I can't sleep, '' he says dumbfounded.

He wanted to slap himself for saying that.

Malfoy just stared at him as if hoping for Harry to elaborate more on that statement.

He would not.

Malfoy sighs instead "And what do you want me to do about that Potter?" he shrugs

Harry looks behind Malfoy's shoulder and sees the empty bed inside and swallows before answering "Well I heard you had a room all to yourself, and I was wondering if it was ok if I could sleep in one of the beds? Just for tonight?"

Malfoy seemed a little bit taken aback but his face quickly tightened back into his usual sneer "Although yes that is true, why on earth would I let you sleep in them?"

Harry was getting desperate, it was true why would one of his enemies tolerate even this conversation now? Harry was contemplating whether or not to tell him the real reason but instead just bit his lip and sighed trying to think of an excuse

"Well I just needed a place to sleep cause Ron snores too loud" he eventually settles for.

"Why didn't you just put a silencing charm over him then?" Malfoy retorts.


"Look, just- let me sleep here tonight. Please Malfoy" Harry hated the way he sounded when he said that. So needy, so vulnerable but he was desperate! He needed some sort of escape from this thing that is his brain.

And for some reason the only thing that he could think about is coming here.

Malfoy stared at him for a moment, then his gaze softened into one that Harry never thought was physically possible for Malfoy, and he sighed pushing the door to fully open it, giving room for Harry to enter.

"I'll stop with the questions, but if you make too much noise you're out of here" he says moving back to his desk, ignoring Harry's existence.

Harry stood at the door frame a bit dazed. He couldn't believe it actually worked. He went over to one of the extra beds and began setting his bed. He felt as if his body was on autopilot despite his brain running at a thousand miles per hour. His hands were shaking as he finally got settled into the bed. He then grabbed onto the curtains ready to close them, but as he saw Malfoy staring down at his work he suddenly felt a burst of gratitude blooming in his chest. Sure they weren't exactly the best of friends and even after the war when Malfoy sent Harry all those letters of apologies and managed to establish a truce Harry did always feel that the air around them was still always thick. They didn't really socialise at all, only Malfoy saying small gratitudes whenever they saw each other when Harry spoke at his trial.

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