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A Cursed Name


Rasetsu Prison...

There was a commotion at the center of the capital. Apparently, some big-name figure just got executed. But that was the least of Law's concerns as he made his way to the prison cell in Rasetsu town. He donned a wooden armored hat over his face as the prison came to view (*cough* his favorite disguise *cough*); splinters and rubble lay all around the street, a telltale sign of a recent battle. There was not a single samurai in sight, which was something he was grateful for because then it would save him the trouble of having to fight small-time enemies and waste his time when he had an entire group of men in distress to rescue.

Instead, all he saw was the figure of a familiar blond enemy.

Through the holes in his mask, Law narrowed his eyes. His grip over his nodachi tightened.

"I knew you were coming," Hawkins monotonously said, "Trafalgar."


Law glanced over towards the inside of the cell and skimmed over the faces of his subordinates, counting them off and making sure they were all present like how a shepherd would do as he led his sheep back into the fence. Because unlike some captains out there, he had a sense of responsibility over his crew.

He noticed one was missing, and he subtly clenched his jaw.

Lifting his headpiece, Law glared at Hawkins.

"There was one more."

He saw the slightest twitch of a smirk in Hawkins' lips, and all Law wanted was to rip it off his face.

"I'm well aware. I had to keep that woman in a more special place, seeing how she can cause quite a ruckus if left with no bounds. But as for the rest, you could easily get them out with your ability. Only a fool would place all hostages where you can see them," Hawkins said. "And you're joining that cage with them."

Law gritted his teeth and took off his bucket hat completely, revealing his face and lifting his hand in his all-too familiar battle stance. "Don't push your luck."

As if expecting his resistance, Hawkins made a show of raising his arm, the other one holding his sword. Law watched in confusion as he drew the blade closer to his own skin.

"You cannot defeat me," Hawkins said, and just when Law was wondering what he was going to do, a yelp of pain came from behind him and inside the cell.


Blood gone cold, Law realized a second later what it all meant. He eyed the injury on his subordinate's arm, the apprehension building up inside him as he realized he was backed into a corner. If he wanted to kill Hawkins, the safety of his crew would be in jeopardy.

"You understand, don't you?"

At Hawkins jab, Law looked back at him, the glare in his eyes becoming even more ferocious. He slowly lowered his hand into a balled fist beside him, and against his better judgement, said through gritted teeth:

"Name your price."

Hawkins seemed pleased. "What I want is simple. Your capture."

"Then in exchange, release my crew," Law demanded without hesitance. The sooner he gets his crew out of this place, the better.

"No! Captain!"

Law ignored his crew's cries as he held Hawkins' stare.

"Very well."

When Swords Clash (A One Piece Fanfic: Roronoa Zoro)Where stories live. Discover now