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Scuffle at the Flower Capital!

(Part One)


Hours earlier, at a random street in the Flower Capital...

"It's a flamingo, I'm calling it."

"No, no, it's a crane. Kinemon already told us about it. Have you already forgotten?"

Sora frowned as she eyed the paper in her hand, where a symbol of their rebellion was drawn on it. She was staring at it so forcefully to the point she was glaring, you would have wondered what kind of monstrosity of a crime did the paper commit to offend her so much.

"I swear it looks like a flamingo," she muttered, frowning. The longer she stared at the crane-flamingo symbol, the more she was reminded of a certain pink pompom ex-Shichibukai who gave her captain so much trouble in Dressrosa. Flamingos were his namesake.

The memory pissed her off.

"Wha—" her conversation partner, a fellow Heart Pirate, Clive, flinched in surprise when he saw her crumple the paper in her hand with so much hatred emanating out of her. "What are you doing?! We were supposed to distribute that!"

Sora huffed and chucked the crumpled paper behind her. "It pissed me off."

"The paper did?!"

".. It was an annoying piece of paper."

"Are you idiots done with your debate?" a third voice joined their conversation, tone all gruff. Both Sora and Clive turned to the source of the voice.

"My, my." Sora grinned, completely forgetting the crumpled paper and its godforsaken symbol. "If isn't my favorite shortstack! Well, to answer your query, yes. After careful debate, the burrito and I have come to the logical conclusion that it was, indeed, a crane."

Clive gave her a defeated look. "There was nothing logical about it. And you were so insistent that it was a flamingo just seconds ago."

Sora laughed and slung an arm around his neck, pulling him closer. "People change, burrito. That's the flow of life."

"This has to be the stupidest conversation I've ever heard my entire life," V grumbled with a shake of his head. Sometimes he asked himself why he even joined the crew, until he remembered he was essentially dragged into it in the first place.

Currently, they were disguised in the capital, handing out papers containing the gathering place of their rebellion to those who had the waning crescent moon on their ankles. Kinemon had told them that it was a way to identify their allies. After Kaido had blasted their hideout in Kuri, the alliance had decided to move their base of operations directly to the Flower Capital, since they could reach more people here.

"Oi," Natsu called out to the trio as he walked over. "Are you guys done distributing the papers? There are still stacks left. We need it gone by the end of the day."

"You're talking like a sales manager," Sora snorted. "What even are we? Distributing papers as if they were handouts—did we convert from piracy to PR department?"

Natsu facepalmed. "They're not just handouts, you idiot. We need to distribute them to samurais and strong allies who will fight with us. And we need to be careful of who we give them to—we don't want our plans to be leaked to the enemy."

When Swords Clash (A One Piece Fanfic: Roronoa Zoro)Where stories live. Discover now