Chapt 6

122 1 2

I don't know how long I've been down but I soon to wake up at the worst headache and pain at the back of my right hand. I groans and slowly open my eyes, to see this unfamiliar pale-colored room, as if in hospital room. I hear those beeping noise from my side of the bed, I groans at the noise and turns a little to see the heart-beeping machine and a post that hangs a bag of IV water and AB- blood type. I frowns and trails the tube 'til my eyes lands on my right hand, to see the tube connects to my hand. I purse my lips, as I finally realizes that I'm somewhere in the hospital's room in a certain country. Soon, the door make those creak noise and I slowly look up to meet this beautiful lady in white labcoat and she have this clipboard in her hands. "Well, hello and good morning, Princess.. How do you feel now?", she greets, with warm smile plaster on her face and her big, round, dreamy yet beautiful hazel brown eyes shines. "Uh, morning.. Feel throbbing in my head and pain at my hand..", I show my right hand with the tubes. She nods and chuckles, walk closer to me. "Well, I'm supposed that you're wondering who am I.. I'm Doctor Eleanor Calder and I'll be your personal healthcare.. I've been assigned a task from your Highness, your father to look after you since you've almost died in the plane on the way to the Morocco..", she tell and I purse my lips, nods. "So, do you feel any hotter or colder than usual?", she ask and I shook my head. She nods and write down something onto the clipboard, I guess to the patient's form. "Okay, I'm gonna do the normal routine check-up, then I can get you check-out and bring you to the airport.", she tell and I nods. She put the clipboard down to the front moving table at the end of my bed and starts to do the checkup, such as taking the temperature, listening to the heartbeats and stuffs. The checkup last up to 10 minutes and we're done.

"Okay, before I get you check out.. I have couple questions need to ask you.. You can answer it, if you want to but if it bothers you much, you can just ignores it..", she say and I hums, motions her to continue. She look at for a little, before hums and proceed with the questions. "How long have you been taking this anti-depressed meds and insulins?", she ask and I bite my bottom lips, looking down to the duvet. I feel a hand hold my shoulder and give it a little squeeze. I look up and to see her reassuring smile. "It's fine, if you don't want to answer it..", she reminds me. I purse my lips and nods. "Uh.. For couple years now.. For exact is, like 3 years including this year..", I tell and she nods, write something onto the board. "When you have this panic attack or under pressure, will you have this side effects like instant black-out or anything?", she ask and I nods. She nods back and jot it again to the board. "Well, I don't know how to tell you and your family about this, Princess but what I know is, your health is not in a good condition.. Your depression are way too high for a kid at your age and it's very dangerous.. It could 'cause other diseases too, but we'll try to avoid those by keeping you healthy and away from the pressure.. And also, did you like to keep something to yourself, like stuffs that happened in school or anything?", she say and I sigh, nods. "I'm sorry, I've been burdening others.. I shouldn't be alive..", my voice come out like a whisper. Tears well up to my eyes and I can't feel like to be accepted to this world. "Hey, don't you say like that! If you think that you're being a burden, then you're wrong.. You weren't, it's just that you've been fated to lives this way but your life will get easier in the future, don't you worry.. Your parents loves you so much, that they willing to get me down here just to make sure you're gonna be safe and healthy..", she tell and her voice have this strong reassurance. "Oh yeah, one more thing.. The pain on your chest.. Is it part of the side effect when your disease get back?", she ask and I nods. "The pain feels like heart attack ones..", I tell and she nods. She also ask if I get scared by anything in shock, recently and I nods. "My brothers scared the shock of me while I'm asleep and I think it's like couple hours ago before my second blackout..", I tell and she shook her head.

"They're doing something dangerous and it could lead you to death.. The rush of your adrenaline are too high and could make you choke on your system..", she tell and I purse my lips, nods. She soon to finish her Q&A session, then she excuse herself out from the room. I sigh heavily and slowly pull my legs closer to me, before dives my head down in between the legs and chest. 'Your disease are putting your life in risk..', those words running in my mind and stuck in my head. I don't even realizes that she's back to the room, 'til I feel someone pats on my shoulder softly. I slowly look up to meet her soft, warm smile and eyes. I pull a weak smile to her, before she tells me that I'm ready to go. "Let's get you back to your family and I need to give your brothers warning about your condition... Your health now, isn't a game to play or jokes around...", she tell and I nods. She helps me to get the tubes and equipments of me and I wince a little, as she taking the tube off me. "There you go..", she soon to put a bandage on the back of my hand. I nods and slowly get off the bed. She gives her hand out and I slowly take it with my small ones, then we walk out from the room together. We walk down the hallway and to see lots of the nurses and doctors giving me bows. I nods and smile weakly to them, as I walk pass them 'til we enters the elevator. "Uh, Ms Calder.. How long I've been in here?", I ask, right after the metal door shuts. She smile, look down to her side as I'm shorter than her. "Well, you've been admitted here for 2 nights and I'm lucky to reached her fast, or you're gonna stuck here even longer than those 2 nights..", she chuckles lightly. I nods and thanks her. She place her left arm on my shoulders, pulling me closer to her side before rubs my upperarm soothing, yet relaxing. "Don't worry, Princess.. I'm here for you and not gonna let you stay in that horrible place longer than 2 nights..", she smile. I nods and thanks, rest my head to her side. We soon to pile out from the metal box and walk down the hallway. The medicine smell slowly subsides and replace with refreshing air, as we walk down to this glass sidewalk. "Where is this bringing us to?", I ask, looking up to her.

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