My Family Has Problems Too

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"She's not changing her mind," Dick said as he entered the foyer. "Definitely Bruce's kid," Jason muttered under his breath.

"Damian, what were you guys fighting about," Tim asked, exasperated. "Nothing, that's important," Damian replied snarkily. "Did you guys have anything else about the bracelet?" Bruce asked.

"No. We couldn't find the guy she gave the bracelet to. He disappeared, as did everyone else after she called off the attack," Jason said. "There's no way that she's bad. I mean, look at her! The girl who made french cookies for a family she only had for less than a week," Jason said.

"We all know that appearances can be deceiving, Todd," Damian said as he rolled his eyes. "Did you do a background check on her?" Damian asked. "I have most of it checked. There are a lot of articles about things involving her but the French government is blocking them. I'm having Lucius get through it," Bruce replied.

"There is no way in hell I am letting the only normal sibling I have left, especially like this," Jason said, leaving the room.

What am I going to do? Bruce thought.


"Marinette, be reasonable here," Adrien said as he tried to calm his girlfriend. "There's nothing to talk about, Adrien. You can stay here, I would not be mad, but I am not staying in this city any longer," Marinette said.


"Adrien, my 'family' is already acting out, and I feel like I don't belong. Right now, I can't close my eyes without seeing that creepy clown's face, and no matter how tough I try to act, I-I was terrified," Marinette said, her voice breaking slowly.

"I'm going with you, then," Adrien said. "Adrien, this is the one time you don't have your father breathing down your neck. I can't take that away from you," Marinette said. "Plus, your father is going to make you do photoshoots. Take a break, and I will facetime you every day," Marinette replied.

"Okay," he said. "Jagged, Penny texted me earlier. I get to make his new outfit for his concert next week," Marinette said. "I'm surprised he hasn't asked you to be his designer yet," Adrien teased.

"I'm perfectly content being his honorary niece," she joked back. "What time is your flight?"

Marinette checked the watch lying on her wrist. "Three more hours," Marinette said. "Wanna go out to eat?" Adrien asked. "Monsieur Agreste, are you asking me out on a date?" she smiled devilishly.

"Why, maybe I am, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng," he smirked as he put his hand on her waist and brought her closer. "Let's go then," she said, grabbing her purse. Marinette and Adrien smiled as they left the hotel.

"I'll get a taxi," Adrien said, searching for a cab's number. "No! How about we just walk? It's nice today," Marinette said. She hoped Adrien didn't pick up the fear in her voice but even if he did, he didn't comment on it. He cupped her hand in his as they walked out of the building, hoodies over their heads and sunglasses on, a precaution Adrien wanted to take just in case someone recognized them.

They ended up going into a little ice cream parlor, but it still made them happy to spend their time together before she left.


The next day when the class returned to W.E. Lila continued to spew her lies, although Alya was taking it with a grain of salt. While Adrien still had fun with his friends, he was missing his girlfriend's presence.

They were allowed to sit in a meeting between Bruce and the other board members. Although, he was surprised that Jason was waiting with them.

It was clear to him that Jason was on bad terms with the family, so he was surprised that he was even at W.E. It wasn't until they made eye contact that Adrien realized he wasn't only there for Bruce.

Jason pulled Adrien away from the group. "How is she?" Jason asked. "She's fine, her plane landed a few hours ago," Adrien replied. "How are her nightmares?" Dick asked. He watched as Adrien hesitated to answer. "She's terrified of going to sleep. She's scared she's going to see him," Adrien said.

"Tell her prazosin works. To prevent the nightmares," Jason said. "I will," Adrien said, turning around again before he stopped in his tracks. "Don't tell anyone else, but I think she'd rather hear from you," Adrien said.

Adrien turned around once more, returning to his class. Jason stared at his sister's boyfriend as he left. He couldn't wait til he was his brother-in-law.


Marinette was happy that she had Mireille and Aurore were there. It was a little weird not to be in Bustier's class, but it was only for one more week, and they would be back again.

Marinette didn't like all the attention that was being received. She didn't know why she thought Paris wouldn't know about the news, however when your father is the world's most famous billionaire...

She thought she would be used to the attention since she is Ladybug, but it was different now that she didn't have a mask to hide behind. She was genuinely thankful that Mireille and Aurore were there for her since they knew about the paparazzi.

She didn't think that she'd have to fight to go to school, but when she got to the bakery, the cameras and news stations were already there waiting for her.

She deleted Twitter, she couldn't keep looking at all the notifications popping up, tweets from strangers who didn't know her at all.

She was excited when she got a phone call from Adrien at lunch (She was always jealous that he was able to wake up so early).

Though, she was even more surprised when she got home and got a text from her brother.

Jason: Hey Pixie Pop, how is everything?

Idk how you guys do it. I hate all the attention: Marinette

Jason: It's not easy, but you get used to it

Luckily, I have some friends who are used to this: Marinette

They've been helping me out: Marinette

Jason: If you ever need anything, call me

Jason: I'll be over there as fast as I can

I'll remember that: Marinette

I'm going to bed. Goodnight Jason: Marinette

Jason: Good night, Pixie.

It was nice to know her brother was in her corner. She just had another week, that's all she had to deal with until Adrien was back. She could do this.

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