Chapter 6

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Then the roof fell down.

Ponyboy P.O.V-

I woke up in an ambulance. Last thing I could remember was getting knocked out after Dally pulled me out of the church. The church! Oh fuck! I couldn't articulate words that well since I just woke up from being knocked out, but I remember saying Johnny, Dally, and Marley's name.

"Don't worry they're all in different ambulances, they'll be alright" a man told me. One of the teachers.

"What are you guys? Professional heroes?" He asked

"We're greasers" I said weakly

"You're kidding" He replied

We reached the hospital. I don't remember much but out of the 4 of us I was the only one who wasn't extremely injured, followed by Dally, Marley, and Johnny had the worst of it. Darry and Sodapop showed up and we all hugged. I never thought how happy I'd be to see the 2 of them. It felt nice to be hugged by them again. We went to see Marley but the doctor wouldn't exactly let us yet. She had a severe concussion and when she passed out in the burning church she had a seizure. She's in stable condition but she needs to stay at the hospital for a while. At least until she can come home the next day and rest there, she just needed to be watched for the night. We were just thankful she was alright. Even though we had known her for a short while, she was a little sister to us at that point and we loved her.

Time skip to the next day-

Marley P.O.V-

I woke up and could barley remember anything. But my head didn't hurt as much and the light and sound around me didn't hurt either. I was just super sore and had a little headache. Thank god. I was at the hospital until around 4:00 in the afternoon when Darry came and discharged me and took me home.

When we got home I was immediately greeted by Two-bit, Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Steve. They were all happy to see me. I tried my best to just smile and wave but I just wanted to go sleep some more, so I did.

After a while I got up and went downstairs and saw the boys getting ready for a rumble that night. I was going to stay home of course since I was still not in the condition to do anything extreme. But I wished them all luck when they went, listening to their yells and screams of enthusiasm as they ran and did summersaults off the front of cars and handstands. On the fences.

That was my family. Not just Darry, Soda, and Pony, but the gang, this was my home, and they were my family. Boy did I love them all. But I couldn't help but have this feeling that something was going to happen. And it was going to be bad.

After about maybe 20-30 minutes, Darry, Two-bit, soda, and Steve returned. Pony wasn't with them but I didn't really think much of it since he probably went to go tell Johnny and Dally that they won the rumble. I helped the boys with their wounds to the best of my ability but all I really did was sit there until Ponyboy walked in the door 25 minutes later.

"Where have you-" Darry started, but he stopped himself and then noticed how upset Pony looked. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked

"Johnny's dead" Ponyboy replied in a monotone voice filled with pain and shock.

The gang looked shocked and Darry's eyes widened. I sat there for a moment listening to Pony tell what happened before warm tears started rolling down my face. He couldn't be dead. He just couldn't. He'll be fine and he'll be back with us before we know it and Dally will be here with us too! I thought trying to convince myself that they were alright. No....they ARE alright. What am I thinking. They're fine! Ponyboy doesn't know what he's talkin' about!

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