Chapter 4

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I was a a bit aways from home, I could see it in the distance. If I ran I could get inside and away from the car that kept following me. That's when the car pulled in front of me. And all 5 boys got out of it and walked towards me.

I thought my troubles were left in Anadarko. But this was just the beginning of a whole new issue. Socs vs Greasers.

TW! Assault and mentions of knives

Marley P.O.V

I tried to turn the other way and get away but one grabbed me by my arm and flipped me around.

"Well well well! We caught ourselves a little greaser girl! Looks like she needs a hair cut!" One had said

"Yeah let's give her a hair cut! C'mon guys!" Another chimed in

Before I could respond 4 of them pinned me down as I struggled and flailed around to get away, but it was no use. The 5 got on stop of me and pulled out a blade and put it to my chin

"Stop squirming you little shit! Or I'll cut your neck right here!" He threatened me

"HELP!!!!" I called out "SOMEBOD-" before I could call out more a rage was shoved into my mouth to keep be quiet.

I heard a door slam open and people yelling. The socs got off me as I curled up into a ball in defense. That's when I felt someone gently pick me up and wrap their arms around me

"You alright?" An unfamiliar voice asked

I peaked out and saw a boy with a cut on his cheek, he had dark greasy hair and a jean jacket on. "Are you ok?" He asked again, I could tell he was worried

"Yeah....yeah I'm ok" I responded

He helped me up and steadied me when I wobbled. I saw the rest of the group had chased away the socs. Sodapop ran over.

"You alright kid? Did they pull a blade on you?! Your bleeding like a stuck pig!" He said

"Yeah they did" I responded quietly, I was shakey and scared. Nothing like that has happened to me before. I honestly thought I was gonna die. I didn't think people were truly capable of harming others in a lower standpoint like that. But it was scary. Soon enough the rest of the gang came over.

"Here Kid" Steve said as he handed me a tissue to press on my cut up chin, I didn't even realize it but when the soc with a blade got off of me his knife cut open my chin and made it start bleeding. Couldn't feel it since I was in so much shock

"Thanks" I said quietly

"Let's get you inside so I can patch that up for you" Darry said

We all headed inside and I followed Darry into the kitchen. He helped me sit onto the counter and got out the med kit and started cleaning up my chin and eventually put a bandage over it

"Now don't mess with it, that's how those types of cuts get infected" he said

"How do you know....?" I asked

"I roof houses for a living, I've got cut like that numerous times. It ain't fun when they get infected" he said as he put the kit away

"Oh" I responded

"Sigh you sure you're alright? Mentally that is? I know that can be quite the scare. Especially when they have a blade" he asked

"....not really....They threatened to cut my was scary...." I explained what happened in detail and he didn't seem that shocked

"Well, it's sad but that's what it's like living here. But, I can promise you that the gang and myself will be there to protect you the best we can. Alright? Need any help you can come to any one of us and we'll be there" he said

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