Chapter 3

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Marley P.O.V-

I woke up in a cold sweat after my nightmare, I've never had one that intense before. It felt so real. I had been shook awake by someone. I looked around in a panic. It was Ponyboy

"You alright? You were cryin' in your sleep, and ya started to flail around there. Everything alright?" He asked

I was too shaken up to say anything, I sat there for a minute before I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks.

Ponyboy P.O.V-

She started crying and I didn't know what to do, I've never really been good in comforting people let alone a girl and a child. I took her to the kitchen and sat her down at the table, I got her some water too and some tissues. Best I could do right now since she wasn't really talking.

This was all so new to all of us, I guess it was super hard on her, more than us. She still has yet to meet Dally and Johnny, now THAT was gonna be a trip. Especially with Dally. He hates kids.

Sodapop P.O.V-

I woke up and found the bed empty, which was odd since I was normally up before Ponyboy because I had work. Didn't think much of it, so I just got up and continued on with my normal schedule. I walked into the living room and saw Marley sitting there wrapped up in like 5 blankets, I mean I knew it was cold but I didn't think it was THAT cold- she was watching a show on the T.V

"Hey Kiddo, what're ya watchin'?"

"Mickey mouse is on, I haven't watch it in a while" she responded to my question

"Is that yer favorite show?" I asked another question

"Mhm, I watch it every Saturday and Sunday morning" she once again responded

I just nodded and continued with my schedule. Got breakfast, showered, got dressed, and eventually went to work. I met up with Steve half way there, we meet up halfway and then walk the rest of the way to the DX which is where we work.

"How's the kid?" He asked

"She's doin good, I hope she'll be fine home alone. Darry and I got work and Ponyboy's out with Johnny and probably Dally" I responded


Ponyboy P.O.V-

I explained to Dally and Johnny who was stayin' with us and such. Johnny seemed interested, he's my best friend and I tell him almost everything, so he was also surprised about me having a cousin. Dally didn't seem to care though, he was intrigued I could tell. But after I mentioned she was only 10 he was pretty much done.

"So ya got a kid stayin' at yer house?" Dally asked

"Yup, pretty much. She's pretty quiet though, keeps to herself a lot. She's nice to so we haven't had any problems yet" I explained

"Hm" he responded

"Well can we meet her sometime?" Johnny chimed in

"I don't see why not, maybe later today. She had a rough night so I think it's best for her to get used to everything right now" I said


Marley P.O.V-

It was quiet throughout the house, the only noise I could hear was my breathing, and the T.V playing. I was watching Mickey but that ended a little while ago. Now I had not much to do. This was my home for the time so I could really do anything that was allowed but I was too nervous. Maybe I should take a nap? Or see if there's any food I can eat? I am pretty hungry. But I decided to just take a shower. My hair was pretty greasy, and not the good lookin' kind you see greasers wearing out on the street. It was the gross "I need a shower" kind. I never liked it.

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