Chapter 2

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It seemed like forever before Herobrine let me go. I brushed myself off. I looked into those empty eyes. He smiled which creeper me out. "Don't worry," he said. "I won't hurt you."
"But you're Herobrine." I shiver.
"I know, but you're just to special to hurt or kill," he said.
"What about other people?" I asked cautiously.
"Noons." The answer.
I shiver as I see clouds blocking the moon. A cold wind blew from the north and it made me shiver. I felt some snow drizzle down. I saw another winter storm has hit. I heard my teeth chatter and I could see my breath. I don't even have a stupid sweater to keep me warm.
Herobrine's POV-
I saw the poor girl shivering. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly to keep her warm. I made sure that the snow was to keep away from her.
Snow began to cover the ground. I felt bad so I teleported (y/n) into her house. I sat on her couch and made a fire in the fire place. She layer against my chest and looked into my eyes. I smiled at her,stroking her hair. She smiled and said,"Thank you, Herobrine."
"You're welcome," I said before she fell into a deep slumber.
Authors note:Sorry for the short chapter but it'll have to do for now. I still hope you liked it.

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