1. Guess so.

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You knew of all the things Aguni Morizono had done. You had watched him kill your friend with two bullets: one in the only leg she had left to prevent her from running away, and one in her head to finish it off. You had taken a bullet yourself in your shoulder and you had heard of him murdering the Hatter. You had watched him cause a massacre and then, you had watched him charge into the fire, sacrificing himself to kill Niragi. And you were relieved that he was dead.

Until it turned out he wasn't.

So why on earth did you drag him out of the burning remains of the Beach? Why, when you saw him lying unconsciously under a collapsed wall, didn't you just put a bullet through his head? You had the gun and you had the guts, and part of you wanted to do it. But then you remembered the fucked-up world you lived in. And you remembered the person you had been before all of this started. You weren't a killer, never had been. You were just some random college student who loved reading and baking and running, and you weren't planning on suddenly turning into a murderer. Which is why you saved him.

'Goddamnit, you're heavy,' you complained through gritted teeth. It also didn't help that you were only able to use one arm due to your injury. But hey, that was his fault.

It felt like hours before you were finally able to drag him to a safe distance from the hotel, which was still burning like crazy. You put him up against a wall and, exhausted yourself from the horrible evening, immediately fell asleep. You knew you had to be cautious around this man, but you simply didn't have the energy.

You dreamt of Akane, saw her face before you, begging you for help. Saw the bullet pass through her forehead over and over again.

"Run! NOW! Run, just keep ru-"

You woke up with a gasp, clutching your chest in an attempt to calm down your rapidly beating heart.

'Fuck,' you whispered as you ran a hand through your sweaty hair. You sat there for a bit, regaining your composure and allowing the morning sun to warm your face.

It was only when you stood up and stretched your sore arms above your head, that you remembered the murderer sitting a mere two meters away from you.

'Fucking hell!' you yelled as you startled backwards.

Aguni had opened his eyes and was now staring at you.

'Why am I here?' he asked with a blank face.

You frowned. 'A good morning to you too. What happened to "hello, how are you?"'

'I was supposed to die in that fire,' Aguni stated, ignoring your question. 'Why did you save me?'

You just shrugged, and now you were the one to ignore the question as you said: 'I'm gonna find a drugstore to get you some bandages. Just stay here, okay?'

'Does it look like I can go anywhere?' Aguni asked with a raised eyebrow, gesturing at his bullet wounds.

You narrowed your eyes and put your jacket on. 'Ha. Funny.' And with those words you left the militant leader behind.

Surprisingly fast, you found a drugstore that hadn't been completely raided and you stocked up on food, water, and a first aid kit. As you were walking back through the streets of Tokyo, your heavy bag slung over your shoulder, an announcement was suddenly made.

Mira, one of the Beach council members, appeared on every single screen around the city and announced that the next phase of the games would begin the next day at 12PM. Your stomach turned. She had been one of them all along? Fucking bitch. She had a whole speech praising all the betrayals and deaths, ending it by saying she had a surprise for us because we did so well. More games. If you had the chance, you would've loved to punch her in the face.

'Guess it's not over,' you mumbled, and you started your way back to Aguni. It wasn't like you expected it, but part of you had hoped that with finishing the ten of hearts game, everyone would be allowed to go home. Stupid, naive you.

When you got back, Aguni was examining a bullet wound in his shoulder, face twisted in pain.

'Did you see the announcement?'


'You really should let me take care of that,' you said with a nod to his injuries, throwing him a water bottle.

Even in his current state, he was able to catch it effortlessly and immediately started gulping down the water.

When he finished, he threw the empty bottle aside and impatiently gestured at his shoulder.

'You've got bandages?'

You were already starting to regret saving him. But without a word, you sank down on your knees beside him and took his arm.

'You still haven't answered my question,' Aguni said while you disinfected his injuries, relieved when you saw that all the bullets had passed through cleanly.

'What – do you think I owe you that?' you replied with a hollow laugh. 'After what you've done?'

There was a tense silence while you wrapped both of his shoulders in a layer of bandages. He winced slightly and from the corner of your eye you could see him clench his jaw, unwilling to show his pain.

Maybe it was this small movement that made you remember that he was just a human being, just like you.

So eventually you whispered: 'When we return to the real world, I still want to be able to live with myself. I want to be able to look at myself and see a human being, not a monster.'

When you looked up, Aguni was studying your face, a mocking smile on his face.

'See, that's the funny thing,' he said. 'The only way to survive in this world and return to the real one, is to let go of your humanity. Kindness will get you nowhere but killed. Sure, monsters are evil, but they're the ones who make it out alive.'

'Jesus, you sound like an alpha male,' you sighed, shutting the first aid kit. 'Is that why you killed all those people at the beach?'

Aguni looked away, the amused smile had left his face and guilt was written all over his face.

'What I mean is that at one point, you're gonna lose sight of who you are,' he said. 'And after that? There's no turning back.'

You thought about that for a bit. 'I don't believe that. There's always a way back,' you said, and then, as if to prove that the good hadn't left the world, you told him your name, extending your hand towards him.

It was clear that you had taken Aguni by surprise and you almost laughed at the way he looked at your hand, as if it had dirt on it. But then he shook it.

'Aguni Morizono,' he replied.

'Oh, I know.'

Then he noticed the bullet wound in your shoulder. 'You're bleeding,' he said, stating the obvious. 'Let me take care of it.'

The absurdity of the situation made you cackle. Aguni watched in confusion as you bent over, laughing hysterically.

'What's wrong?' he asked. 'Did I do something?'

'You dumb fuck!' you yelled, tears streaming down your face. 'You're the one who fucking shot me!'

And despite all that had happened, despite all he had done, you let Aguni tend to your injuries, the way you had tended to his only minutes before.

'Guess we're stuck with each other, huh?' you said with a defeated smile.

'Guess so.'

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