9. The cliff

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'Arisu?' With a frown you looked down at the boy you'd just knocked unconscious with your baseball bat.

You duck down to cover his body with yours and watched with bated breath as the King of Spades scanned the area from the top of the hill. When he realized his prey had vanished, he turned around and left.

'Fuck,' you muttered. Aguni's plan was in shambles because of Arisu.

The two of you had left Tokyo the previous morning and to gather weapons and ammo. Aguni had spent the day teaching you how to use a firearm and... other things, and you'd gotten pretty good at it. At all of it. He'd also taught you some defense moves and that same afternoon, you'd lured the King of Spades to the woods, using the red car to catch his attention. Here we are, fucker, car Sandra seemed to say, come and get us.

You'd left the vehicle at the edge of the woods and headed in. Aguni's plan was to ambush him the moment the King entered the woods. But now Arisu had ruined it by running around like a fucking maniac.

You stayed flat on the ground for what seemed like ages and then slowly got up, your gun loaded and ready to fire.

'Aguni?' you whispered. 'Aguni?' A little louder this time.

'I'm here.' He emerged from between the trees, rifle in his hands, brow furrowed in annoyance.

You exhaled loudly and walked towards him while lowering your gun and putting the safety back on. 'I thought you were gone,' you mumbled, punching his chest half-heartedly and then letting your forehead rest against his shoulder.

'Of course not,' he bluntly stated. 'You wouldn't survive without me.'

'Shut up, you prick.'

You turned to look at Arisu. 'What about him?'

Aguni studied the unconscious boy for a second. 'He'll make good bait.'


'He's angry, you know,' you told Arisu that night. He'd finally woken up from his deep slumber and was looking at you from across the fire. 'And so am I. You ruined our plan to kill that bastard.' You threw a pinecone at his face and Arisu was only barely able to dodge it.

'Who is angry?' he asked.

You nodded towards a dark tree line. 'Go see for yourself. He marched off and is now probably sulking somewhere over there.' You shook your head and smiled. 'He sure is dramatic.'

When Arisu got up and walked towards the direction you'd pointed at, you couldn't help but follow him.

'You're alive,' you heard Arisu say as you got closer. You hid behind a tree and watched.

'Not by choice. She saved me.' Aguni huffed. 'Don't even ask why.'

'Because she's a good person,' Arisu remarked. 'I'd seen her a couple of times at the beach. She seemed very kind.'

A silence.

'Yeah... Yeah, she really is.'

'So... I saw Niragi.'

Your stomach turned. That son of a bitch was alive.

'So he survived too, huh?

Aguni asked about the others. Apparently, Kuina, Ann and Chishiya were all alive. Tatta wasn't. You hadn't known him that well, but you knew he was a good soul and hearing of his death did pain you. Another pointless death. Arisu had gotten separated from Usagi and was now looking for her.

'But what are you doing out here?' he then asked.

'I'm taking down the King of Spades,' Aguni said while cleaning his gun with a rag. 'We could use a hand.'

Shared Agony // Aguni Morizono x readerWhere stories live. Discover now