~Ch 16~ Rikkadai. Part 1

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Ryoka's POV:

I was currently changing in a public bathroom. I was sort of bored and my gut told me to dress up as someone else. Luckily for me I had my red haired costume (I dressed up as a guy with red hair and two different eye colours before, it was at the tournament with Ryoma a couple days ago, when we met Sakuno) However my blond wig is sort of a special brand, so I can't take it off without special tools....which are at home. So I switched my contacts into red and orange contacts and put the red wig over my blond wig, it was a little loose, but stable. Finally, I removed some make-up and put different one on. I decided to wear the same clothes, I went outside and picked up Tsuki who was waiting for me, I grabbed my skateboard, my tennis bag, and a normal backpack ( Tsuki went inside my backpack) and I was off to Rikkadai, if I my calculations are correct, (which they always are) I'll get there about 10 minutes before there after school practice. (The picture of what he looked like is next to the video.)

Yukimura's POV:

"And he was so cool-looking! You should have seen him, he had red hair and two different eye-colors!" Marui was saying excitedly. Most of the regulars (besides Akaya who was usually late) were in the clubroom getting changed for after-school practice. Marui was talking about some red-haired guy he saw at a tennis court. "I'm more impressed on how he so easily returned your 100% shot" said Jackal, this caught Yukimura's attention. "He returned it? Easily?Hmm...*smiles* I would like to meet him" Marui sweat-dropped for a moment, "Well I don't know, we probably won't meet him again, we don't even know his name." Yanagi cut into the conversation, "If he is good at tennis then, the chance of meeting him is 100%" Yukimura smiled (angelically and sadistically)"I look forward to it" Sanada rubbed his forehead "I think I might need some asprin...." Niou just smiled like a chesire cat, "Puri."

Yangai just said "Well I don't think we will meet him soon..."

Ryoka's POV:

"Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!" Ryoka sneezed, 'That was like the 5th time! Just who is talking about me?' Ryoka wondered until she sneezed cutely again while some girls near by squealed.

Ryoka arrived at Rikkadai and went straight to a tree that was near the tennis courts. It was on a semi-hill and he had a perfect view of the tennis courts. Then Ryoka noticed the beautiful patch of flowers and clovers around him, plus there was a really nice scented breeze. 'Makes me want to fit in.' Thought Ryoka, then she unconsciously pulled out her flute and started playing.

~Your cue to watch the video, all credits to this video goes to its owner, I got it from youtube on the server Starfire's Music(thank you)~

Rikkadai regualrs POV:

Marui was playing against Sanada when Marui stopped at stood up, letting Sanada's serve pass him. Sanada was furious. "TARONDAROU!!!!!" Marui's head snapped back to reality and immediately bowed. "Sorry!! But can't you hear that?" Everyone stopped and listened, Yukimura was about to order everyone back to work when he heard it too. It was awful music. Lie. It was the one of the most soothing music they have ever heard. Marui got his head in the clouds again, his eyes going into some kind of trance. Niou got out his ear plugs but just stared at them. He didn't want to be put under a spell, but he wanted to listen to the relaxing music too. Jackal slapped both his cheeks to snap out of it, while Yanagi seemed frozen in spot, looks like he already became a victim to the music, same for Yagayu. Yukimura was one of the strongest (after all he was one of the three kings) so he was conscious, but was still slightly dizzy, meanwhile Sanada was furious with himself that he was starting to fall in the hole the music has made, he slapped himself then shouted loudly. "TARONDAROU!!!!!!!!!!!!" That snapped everyone out of there trance.

(Shin-chan: Just to remind you, Kirihara is running late right now, so he wasn't here when all of this happened)

Yukimura shook himself then shouted orders, "non-regulars, assume practice, first years, usual exercise, 2nd and 3rd years continue shuffle matches, regulars meet up with me, 3rd years, I expect you to take care of things, or else!" Everyone nodded, most still in daze. "Hai!"

The regulars met up with Yukimura, "We are going to find where that music came from, so it won't disturb our practice again." (Shin-chan: You know I bet the Yukimura just wants to know who made that music) "I already told the 3rd years that the regulars would skip todays practice, but will will work twice as hard in the next practice session." Yukimura continued. The regulars nodded, it seemed all of them forgot about Akaya.

Ryoka's POV:

I was playing my silver flute only semi-conscious, the music that comes out of my flute swirls around me as well, I was about to play a high note when I heard a loud voice, "TARONDAROU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I winced, Man that was loud even if the tennis court is a pretty good distance away from the hill I was standing on.

I started playing again, but that stupid shout ruined my concentration swing so now the flute music was slightly less "pulling".(It still sounded really good, it just didn't make you a "victim") Ryoka faced the tree and closed her eyes as she started playing, Ryoka felt a presence coming behind her but she ignored it. The presence seemed to stop a few meters behind her, but she was clearly aware of it now. Why? Because it felt incredibly strong. 'What strong aura...' thought Ryoka, of course the other tennis teams also had strong aura, but this aura was stronger. She would have turned around, but she needed to finish this song. While she continued playing she felt another presence coming and joined the group behind her, a couple minutes later, she was almost at the end of the song, but the curiosity was too much, she slowly turned around and slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she heard was a chorus of gasps.

Then her song finished.

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