A Secret Revealed

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Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Hope you all had a nice holiday I know I did! I was sick for most of it though 😂😭 anyways I will not do the A/n chapters I might include those at the end. Without further ado, enjoy!

I run back to them but as I get back to my friends I feel more arms grab onto me from behind. Orcs and goblins combined to pull me back towards the edge until a blinding white light flashes and the monsters behind me disintegrate and I fall forward, hitting my head on the hard rock under my body. I feel blood rush out of a gash on my head and rush out of my wing as well all while I'm laying flat on my stomach with one arm splayed by my head. I push myself up but before I can, I feel arms roll me over and put their arms under my knees and on my back. When I look to see who it is I'm surprised to see Thorin instead of Kili. "I'm sorry..." I mutter as I slowly lose consciousness. He just looks down at me and shakes his head. "It's okay. I-" he's interrupted by the goblin king shouting incoherently about a sword. I am not conscious long enough to know what else happens. As I pass out I hear Kili shout my name and my shoulder hits the ground.

~~30 minutes later~~

When I regain consciousness again I'm in a tree surrounded by fire with wargs and orcs both snarling at the base of the tree. I look up and see Fili throwing a flaming pine cone and Kili right next to him, both with their knees in their chests. I sit up and hear two voices shouting my name. "Ecko! Are you alright!?" Fili yells. I just nod and see Kili scream as well. "Hello, love! Are you okay?" I nod again and look out over the fire while looking for Thorin. While I was looking for him I did find someone I never thought I would see again. Azog the defiler. I grimace when I see him and I think back to what torment he put me through. I look back down and continue my search for Thorin. When I finally find Thorin I see him looking down at the ground almost like he was contemplating a tough decision. Finally he jumped off the tree at Azog. "Thorin!" Several people scream along with myself. While we watch the events of the stupidity of dwarfs I see azog's warg bite down on Thorin. Without another second I draw my sword and jump down and more voices shout after me while I figure out what I'm doing. I spread my wings and saw most of the skin healed over, my wing popped back into place, and some abnormal coloration where the scars had formed. I start flapping them and I fly. I fly over Azog's head and swipe at him with my sword. He yells in pain and I smirk to myself when I fly back over to see Thorin on the ground about to lose consciousness. I'm not letting them get him. He has helped me and I need to help him. I swipe at Azog again and when I get close enough to land in front of the unconscious body of Thorin Oakenshield. "Look aav whaav kulknej have katu." (Look at what we have here.). He mocks towards me. "No. Jiak liwo noav be your peav agh plaausan shal anausan ma ro your fooliukh gameuk. Lat liwo leave avhe line ro durin nalt." I respond sharply in the same dark tongue. (No. I will not be your pet and play in any more of your foolish games. You will leave the line of Durin alone.) he laughs and swings his "arm" at me. I block it with my blade and push it back. He falls off his warg and I release the blade from under his. I swing my sword at the wargs head and cut it clean off leaving a clean cut with my sharp sword. "No! nalkren dare lat!! lat killun mausan loyal peav! lat liwo pay!" (No! How dare you!! You killed my loyal pet! You will pay!) Good, you need to know what loss feels like. Mourn. I like that. Mournblade. I hold up my sword in admiration and smirk. I look back at Azog and my smirk widens at his angry expression. He swipes at me once more and I jump out of the way. I form an entire scaled arm with large claws, shocking everyone around us. As it travels up my arm I feel my arm change until it stops at my bicep and I look back at Azog whose eyes are wide with both fear and shock. I swipe at Azog and he jumps back. I keep swinging and swinging while he keeps dodging. The other orcs stayed on the side due to the fact that a few had gotten close to me and I had killed them as quickly as they could appear. Once I had gotten Azog away and given him a few more scars I ran off back towards the clearing with my friends and saw great big eagles flying around and killing orcs and fanning the fire towards the wargs. There was a ring of fire around the dwarfs except Thorin. I go over to Thorin and pick him up but as I get to the edge of the cliff the lord of the eagles lands in front of me and we begin speaking with each other. " What are you doing with the king under the mountain?" The large eagle booms. "I'm taking him to his kin and my friends, my lord." I respond with gusto. He nods and flies off with his fellow soldiers. I smile and continue towards the cliff with the king dangling from my arms. His knees over my right forearm and his shoulder blades over my left arm. I put him on my back and hoist his arms up over my shoulders and I grab his legs to keep him in the right position. Usually the position he was in would do the job but I'm going to show them. I'm sick of the constant secrecy. I grab Thorin again to find the best position but can't find one until finally I throw him off the cliff. I jump after him and shift quickly, into a dragon and grab him gently in my claws. I'm a smaller dragon, no bigger than the giant eagles, with white scales and one of my eyes is a light green while the other is a cerulean blue. My tail is spiked with a twist to it and my wings are large and strong. I'm scaled instead of feathered or furred. While I'm flying I feel a regretful sensation in my bones, thinking about why I hadn't told them sooner or even if I should tell them. I look down at the dwarf in my claws and smile, more or less and start healing him with my magic. I should tell them. I look up and see a large rock and several small figures on it. They all are screaming and shouting in fear except for one. Kili... he was the quietest and he looked happy but also looked confused in what I was doing. I set the king on the rock and land next to him but still keep my distance. Several dwarfs have drawn weapons and Thorin has woken up although he is still a little confused. Until he sees me, then he draws his sword as well and when I look around Kili and Gandalf are the only ones with no weapons drawn and I kind of smile. "Kili! Gandalf! What are you both doing there is a dragon here, you have yet to do anything!?" Kili walks up to me and I put my head down to let him touch my snout and Fili yells for his brother to run or, "I'll bite his hand off!" When Kili touch's my nose I breathe in his familiar scent and rub my face up against his chest. I pull away, regretfully and wrap my wings around my smaller body until I begin shrinking. I turn into my human form once more and see multiple shocked faces once I pull my wings away from my face. "I apologize for not telling you sooner. I just thought it would be better if you didn't know." Thorin recovers from his shock the fastest and speaks in an angry tone. "If you had told us sooner you might have had our trust quicker but I understand why you would hold that from us. I am going to assume Kili knew and that is why he didn't draw his weapon?" I nod and move to stand up before I see a hand in front of my face. I look up and see the owner of said hand to be Kili and I smile while he smiles back. I grab his hand and he pulls me up and I almost fly forward, I regain my balance quickly though. Kili walks up to me and grabs onto my shoulders like a father would do to his son after reprimanding him. Until he crashes his lips onto mine and my eyes widen in shock until I melt into the kiss and the wolf whistles begin fading with the sensation of my first lover's lips on mine. When we part for air we stare into each other's eyes for a few moments before both me and Kili burst into laughter, getting several confused looks from our friends. We had somehow managed to grasp onto each other's hands while we were kissing. I let go and ran to jump off the cliff and before anyone could react harshly. I turned into a larger dragon with black and purple scales, long sharp horns and claws, and a long, slim tail with no spikes. I land gracefully back onto the rock and scare some of the dwarfs resting there. "You can change what you look like?" "What else can you do?" And before more questions can be asked I roar a very large, loud, short roar and it silences everyone. I kneel down and speak into Kili's mind. "Love, can you tell them To either get on my back or get carried and I will explain later?" He just looks at me and nods while yelling for everyone to pick. "Either get on her back or if you choose not to you will be carried." Several dwarf's clambered onto my scaled back and I turned my head like an owl, scaring them to the point of some screams to which I growled at. When they recovered they looked for a place to hold onto and I made some of my scales looser so there were gaps to grab onto. They grabbed onto the "handles" and I took off into the sky before coming back down and picking up Bofur in one claw, bombur in the other with Gloin wrapped up in my tail, the rest on my back. Gandalf points to a forest with many fir trees instead of the normal pine or maple. I growl my approval and fly in the direction he pointed and I felt some of the dwarfs beginning to relax. Some even yelled in joy while others still held on tightly. Bofur and Bilbo were both the most tense, Thorin coming into a close third. Kili was more relaxed than most of the other m dwarfs, probably because he has had this experience before. I get closer to the edge of the forest and some of the dwarfs tell me to delve deeper into the woods but I shake my head and set the dwarfs down gently before I land at the brim of the forest. When all the dwarfs are off my back I shift into my elvish form to speak to them a little. "I cannot go deeper in my dragon form without cutting my wings. In answer to previously asked questions yes, I can change what I look like and I can have feathers, fur or scales. I can have horns, wings, and tail in my elvish form, I can speak with animals as I am the animal queen. I can turn my eyes any color I wish for them to be, I can heal those who I wish to heal, and more. I can do things surrounding demon things because of my father but that's mostly enhancements to my strength and things like that. I do also enjoy being in my dragon form the most so if no one minds I'm going to stay in my dragon form." Several dwarfs nod with wide eyes and I smile, shifting into a smaller dragon only about the size of a pony that Bilbo would ride. I had emerald green scales with black webbing in my wings. I had webbing in between my claws as well and my tail had large, fan-like webbing on it. ( A/n: kinda like toothless from httyd) My eyes were a darker red because it was easier to retain my natural eye color. My horns were black as well, going along with my green and black palette. When I had finished shifting we made our way through the forest rather slowly as we all felt safer, and not to brag but I think I might have had something to do with that. As we walked we all just kind of enjoyed each other's company and I held a steady pace with Kili who was constantly next to me. Finally we had reached a somewhat secluded area and decided to rest there until morning. "I will start a fire then?" Gloin questions, getting ready to light some damp looking sticks on fire. Thorin shakes his head and replies tiredly, "No. we will be wise not to. The smoke would lead unwanted company to us." Gloin nods and everyone gets discouraged because it's getting colder as the night progresses. I make myself larger and curl up so I can fit many dwarfs around my stomach. I begin warming myself up by preparing to light a fire but not exploiting it. My stomach glows with warm hues. Oranges and yellows coat the area of my stomach as I nod to it for people to come close and get warm. It expands to my chest and all of the dwarfs run up and begin putting themselves as close as they can to my warmth. Soon everyone has curled up around my stomach and fallen asleep while I cover them with my wing as it starts raining. My other wing is tucked close to my body so it won't get torn with me lying in the ground. The dwarfs aren't getting wet due to my wings always being 3 times the size of the normal size. Bilbo and Gandalf have both curled up closer to my chest while the dwarfs were by my stomach. I lay my head on my arms and make sure that everyone is comfortable and covered before I close my eyes and fall asleep myself.

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