The company of Thorin Oakenshield

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I'm awoken by Bilbo telling me, "someone knows you're here. There's a letter for you." I nod though I'm not too worried about it. Unless someone were to come and hurt Bilbo. I had known this hobbit for less than 24 hours but if something where to happen to him I would most definitely consider murder. I took the unopened letter from Bilbo and brought a claw out, causing Bilbo to cry out and fall over. I cut the shell of the note open and took in my claws and took out the paper. I looked over at Bilbo making sure he was okay before opening the note and reading it. Dear Ecko, I am Gandalf. You may remember me but if not that is alright. I need you to stay with the hobbit. Even after you're healed. I know you heal fast but he can't know that. Tear your stitches multiple times. Extend your time with him and try and convince him to go on an adventure. I know you wish to return home but you mustn't. You both will be the 14th and 15th member of the company if you so wish. Sincerely, Gandalf. I nod as I read the note then I throw it into the fire. As I get up I do as he says and get up to fast then stretch tearing stitches. I simper in pain and Bilbo rushes to my side. Telling me I have to be careful and that I won't heal if I keep tearing them. I just nod. That went on for 6 years. Bilbo never got mad or upset. He almost seemed happy to have me there. Finally we were sitting outside relaxing, Bilbo smoking his pipe, me reading a book on dwarvish customs. I saw Bilbo's smoke turn into a butterfly and go back into bilbos nose. He coughed a bit and opened his eyes to see what had caused it. We both look up and low and behold stands Gandalf the gray. I nod up at him and turn back to my book as Bilbo mutters, "good morning." I smirk as Gandalf says a series of things about whether it was a good day, a day to be good on, things like that. I didn't catch most of it. I got bits and pieces of it but not much. They started to argue a little and all I saw was orcs standing over me as they decided what they wanted to do to me that day. I started gasping for breath, unable to react well when I was starting to lose consciousness due to my lack of oxygen. Bilbo rushes to my side and is quick to reassure me that I was okay and nothing was going to happen. Once I've calmed down I rush inside with the book in my hands gripping tightly to the cover along with the many pages. Gandalf and Bilbo talk until Bilbo storms inside. I go into Gandalf's mind and apologize, " im sorry I could not convince him to go in your adventures." He looks at me through the glass and nods his forgiveness. I nod back and tell Bilbo I'm going to go clean up. I clean when I'm stressed so cleaning now was not an uncommon thing for me to do. Bilbo knows so he just nods his head in sorrow and recommends for me to clean up some of the things in the hall. I had apologized profusely for being here longer than intended but he simply brushed it off as me being like the daughter he never had. I began cleaning. I clean the hall, I clean the kitchen, I clean the dining room, I clean the living room. I clean until I can clean no more. "You're the reason my house has stayed clean these past few years. Now come on, dinner's ready. " Bilbo jokes. He leaves to the dining room, chuckling. I follow after and we sit down to eat. Bilbo squeezes lemon juice onto his fish. I got a salad because Bilbo thinks I'm an elf. I've kept my 5 foot height. When I need meat I'll go out in the middle of the night and find a rabbit or if the need isn't too strong, a mouse. I start eating in silence but there is a knock on the door so Bilbo gets up, leaving his meal. I think back to a few thousand years ago to me, Thranduil, and Galadriel all hanging out together, making jokes, before everything was ruined. I stopped aging at 450 so I looked like the general young woman. I finish quickly and put my bowl in the sink. Meanwhile Bilbo is at the door talking to someone. He comes in as I leave. I turn to look at him and go into his mind. " Tell no one off my presence." He has a shocked look on his face when I leave, causing me to chuckle. I go to my room and I begin hearing more voices come into the house and I speak with Bilbo through my mind. " Don't tell anyone I'm here please." I can practically hear him nod. I hear more shouting and voices. I begin seeing the orcs again and start panicking again until Bilbo comes into the room and rushes to me in order to calm me down. "I don't like yelling. Make it stop! Please..." Bilbo calms me down and nods. He runs out and Gandalf yells for everyone to be quieter but I can hear Bilbo slapping his head, shaking it. It makes me laugh but I quiet down quickly. I hear the rowdy people start singing about the things Bilbo hates.

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