Chapter 14

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Eye for an eye

"I stand here on behalf of Dr Nelson because the simple fact of the matter is that Mr Clarke fails to respect the opinions of the professionals. On every test and count was the patient brain-dead, he waited 8 hours and there was still no change, so he declared her brain-dead, which is standard Doctor protocol" Meredith argued.

Me Clarke was becoming visibly upset when one of his representatives stepped it. "Can we give Mr Clarke a moment please"

Meredith sighed as she walked towards where Derek was sitting. He grinned proudly. "You're doing so well" he said as he squeezed her hand. "I'll be glad when it's done with" Meredith mumbled quietly. "Well maybe we could go get a coffee later or something. Just the two of us" Derek smiled before everyone sat back in there seats. "I'd like that" she giggled before biting her lip.

He kissed the back of her hand before she walked back to desk she was sat at.

"Alright," the judge called. "I hear by not declare nor hold Dr Jim Nelson or Seattle Grace Hospital responsible or liable for Mrs Alison Clarke's death, and the impending suing that Mr Gray Clarke wanted to infringe."

Meredith sighed in relief as she stood up and went to shake the judge's hand. She bounced back over to Derek, her blonde curls haloing her like an angel. "You were so good" Derek beamed excitedly, hugging her right. "I was so scared!" Meredith mumbled into his neck, sighing of relief.

"How about we go get that coffee" he said, not wanting to let go. Neither of them wanting to let go.

They heard a bit of commotion before Meredith turned around to see what all the noise was about. Across the courtroom, she saw Mr Clarke arguing and fighting with one of his representatives who appeared to be holding him back.

"Get the hell off of me!" he shouted, clearly agitated. He looked up, sensing he was being watched when his eyes came into contact with Meredith. "You! You did this!" he screamed at her, throwing his fist at her. She didn't say anything, she just felt sorry for him.

There was a scuffle as security came in to remove him and suddenly gasps and screams filled the room. It took Meredith a moment to see what was happening, but her eyes went wide when she saw it.

He had a gun.

She swallowed the knot in her throat and chest, closing her eyes when she saw him walk towards her. "You. You doctors killed my Alison!" He screamed in her face, the gun being pressed into her side.

"M-Mr Cl-Clarke. I'm s-so sorry" Meredith stuttered, not daring to open her eyes.

"Open your damn eyes!" he screamed as he pushed the gun further against her ribcage. She sobbed as she opened her eyes, the courtroom now almost empty, with only a few people remaining.

"I want you to admit it, that you killed my Alison" he hissed before rolling the gun up the side of her body, pressing it to her neck. She cried harder, begging for this nightmare to be over.

"No, no, no" she whispered to herself but she felt the gun move once more.

Now pressing to the side of her head.

"Don't shoot!" she heard someone shout. Her chest suddenly felt like it was being hit with a sledgehammer. She heard a bit of a scuffle but then felt someone grab her hand. "Don't shoot her" he said calmly, squeezing her hand three times. "Derek" she sobbed. "It's okay, don't be scared," he reassured her before raising one of his hands.

"Please don't shoot her" he begged as he looked to Mr Clarke. "And give me one reason why the hell I shouldn't?!" he screamed before wrapping his free arm around her neck from behind, holding her in a choker. She gaped and groaned, searching for any air that she could get.

Think, Derek, think.

"S-s-she's pregnant. She's pregnant!" Derek said quickly. "You wouldn't kill a pregnant woman, would you?" Derek asked frantically, squeezing Meredith's hand so tight. Go along with it.

"I don't believe you!" Gary shouted at the two. "I don't believe you at al-"

"Then shoot me"

"Derek, no" Meredith cried quietly. "Shoot me instead" he repeated confidently. "Derek, stop!" she sobbed as she closed her eyes. "Shut up, Meredith!" Derek shouted at her before letting go of her hand and standing in front of her so he was in his eye line. "Shoot me, not her" Derek said again.

"Why? What does it for me?" Gary spat as he loosened his grip on Meredith. Derek took a deep breath, remembering his conversation with Lexie earlier about her bring in love with him, and taking a leap of faith and blind trust. "You lost your wife, right? I lost my father when I was 11 years old. They came in and shot him for his watch" Derek explained as he raised both his hands in defence, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I know what its like to lose someone you love, and how much it hurts. And if you want Meredith to hurt, the way that you are hurting, then shoot me"

"Derek..." Meredith said quieter. "I'm a doctor, I work with Dr Nelson, and I am completely and irrevocably in love with Meredith. I'm your eye for an eye."

Suddenly the gun turned, pointing towards Derek.

"Derek, don't do this to me. Please don't do this to me!" she sobbed.

And then pointed to the ground and Gary dropped his guard.

"Meredith, lets get out of here" Derek said when he felt it was safe to move when security got ahold of Gary. Derek quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her over the barrier, her whole body shaking. They made a dash for the door, needing to find a quick escape.

3 gunshot sounds filled the air.

And then came the silence.

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