Chapter 5

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Sleeping with the enemy

They stumbled into Meredith's house with wobbly legs and dizzy heads as they made it to the sofa- heated kisses distracting them.

She didn't hesitate in pulling off his jacket, kissing his neck sensually as she began working on his buttons. "Is this the best idea?" Derek sighed as she pulled away his shirt. "No" Meredith gasped breathlessly as he nipped at his neck- her hands fumbling on his belt buckle.

He stopped for a moment, grabbing her wrists gently. "Meredith, wait." He said. She frowned at him. "We're very drunk" he whispered. "Mmm- clearly not drunk enough" she moaned in his ear, sending shivers across his skin. "M-Meri-" he stuttered before grabbing her wrists again.

She sighed dramatically and pulled away. "We're going to be working together, I don't want things to get awkward because of a drunken mistake." Derek tried to reason as she walked away and sat on the sofa. She snapped her head around, glaring at him. "I wouldn't be a mistake" she demanded. Derek raised his hands in surrender as he walked over to her.

"I'm sure you wouldn't be. You're beautiful and-" he stopped himself. "It's maybe best if I leave" he mumbled as he searched for his shirt and slipped it on. "Yeah...probably..." Meredith mumbled before she turned away from him. Derek stood there awkwardly as he looked at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked hopefully. He didn't get a response, only met with silence. He sighed as he left.

Tonight never should have happened.


Meredith woke with a startle as she felt a pillow being whacked over her head. "Get up! We have work in an hour" Izzie said as she walked back to the kitchen. Meredith groaned, her head banging as she sat up.

"Why was I on the couch?" Meredith asked as she grabbed a coffee cup. "Beats me. I came home and you were passed out." Izzie shrugged as she poured their coffee. "Oh..." Meredith mumbled before picking at her fingers.

"Did you go drinking? Who did you go with?" Izzie asked curiously. Of course, she knew Meredith had some friends in Seattle but Meredith never got too close with anyone, other than Izzie.

"Um, Derek. Uh...Dr Shepherd. And we went to Joe's and then we-" Meredith focused on remembering last night. "Oh no, no no" Meredith groaned as she paced the kitchen. "What?" Izzie laughed. "Did you sleep with him?" she joked. Meredith stopped in her tracks, cringing at Meredith -12 hours ago.

"Kinda" she mumbled. Izzie frowned, but Meredith interrupted her again. "We didn't go all the way but we certainly went...ways..." she rambled to her best friend. Izzie stood back in shock. "You blew McDreary?" Izzie laughed. Meredith cringed again. "Don't describe it like that" Meredith snapped as she jumped up on the counter, picking at her breakfast.

"How was he? He looks like he'd be big-" Izzie asked excitedly but Meredith stopped her. "Yes, he is, okay!" Meredith snapped as she pinched the bridge of her nose, remembering how he'd kindly rejected her offer to be with him.

"And he's kind and sweet and-" Meredith rambled as she remembered how he'd complimented her surgical skills, how beautiful she was and how he held every door open for her. "Oh my're falling for him," Lizzie said shocked.

"I am not." Meredith demanded as she shoved her face with a croissant. "Oh you so are," Izzie said as she watched her friend. "Look, he was nice to me, all dreamy looking. We went drinking, I took it too far with someone once again" Meredith rambled as she began pacing again.

"Oh my God, Iz. I slept with the enemy" Meredith exclaimed. "Wha-" she asked. "Me and Derek are in competition in the first for chief. He's the enemy. How stupid could I be!" Meredith continued to rant. "You said you didn't sleep with him. It's not the end of the world" Izzie shrugged. Meredith stopped before grabbing her bag.

"I need to go speak to him."


"Derek! Wait up!" she called down the hallway near the attending lounge. He turned to look at her but quickly carried on his best efforts to avoid her. I'm not ready for this. "Derek!" she called again as she ran up alongside him. "Dr Grey, can I help you?" Derek glanced at either side of him to make sure no one was listening.

"We need to talk" she stated. "We don't," he replied quickly and truthfully. "We shouldn't have done it, end of," Derek said harshly, taking her by surprise. "But we-" she stuttered. "It was a mistake, nothing happened between us and nothing will ever again. Apologies for being so unprofessional." Derek said seriously.

"Whatever," Meredith mumbled before barging past his shoulder and into the attending's lounge where others were. Derek wasn't far behind her. He made her stomach curl with rage and desire. What a jackass. No wonder he's McDreary.

"Hi, I'm Dr Meredith Grey. It's lovely to meet you" she smiled sweetly as she began introducing herself to the others. Derek could only grow more and more jealous as he watched her become more popular as she told stories of working on sick kids across the world.

Derek rolled his eyes as he looked at his papers. She was sickly sweet, not his type, and he wondered how they got into that situation last night.

"Hunt, come here," Derek called to his colleague. Owen came and sat in the chair next to him. "2 month old with a facial fracture, what are we doing about it?" Derek asked, already knowing the answer. "I-um-er- we'd have to get Sloan and Montgomery in to assist." Owen rambled nervously. Derek rolled his eyes. Owen nodded, somewhat understanding why this was the worst possible dilemma.

"Or we could have Meredith. She's a neuro-neonatal fellow. She's really sweet, you should come over and meet her" Owen suggested. Derek looked at her, trying to think what would be worse/more awkward. His ex-wife and ex-best friend, or the woman he nearly slept with last night

"I'll take Sloan and Grey."

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