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Timeskip: November 12, D-17 until first award show

Following their choreographer's instruction, Jake and Heeseung spent the next week individually practicing their parts for the special choreography of 'Fever' with their respective dancers.

Once they got a sense that they were ready, the choreographer individually checked and approved of their progress again. Then, it was finally time for the two members to practice everything altogether (both the acting scene and the choreography) to sync up their timing and body movements.

"And ACTION!!"

Jake opened the acting scene, running out into the center of the practice room just as he and Dancer J had practiced.

Jake isn't much of an actor (in fact, he is quite a terrible liar, and the countless times he failed during mafia games proved it), but he managed to throw some realistically tense facial expressions behind him, as if he was still running away from the 'fever'. The dancers in the room made quiet impressed noises as they watched.

He then turned back to the front, heaving his chest up and down as if he was catching his breath, and pretended to be oblivious of what was going to happen next.

The next part, of course, was where Heeseung came in.

As planned, Heeseung slowly crept up behind Jake, beginning his part of the scene.

Everything was going well so far, and Jake hadn't missed a detail yet. But when the older finally stopped right behind him, barely an inch between their bodies, the younger suddenly felt very aware of Heeseung's presence and all eyes in the practice room on them.

Ever so slowly, Heeseung reached his arm and hand over to cover Jake's mouth, just as Dancer H had demonstrated. According to Dancer J's demonstration, the younger was supposed to widen his eyes in shock.

But when Jake felt the older's chest press against his back and a large, warm hand brush against his mouth, the younger's body decided to react in a different way.

Upon contact, a wave of heat pulsed throughout Jake's body and his entire stomach began to churn. Instead of his eyes widening in shock, they began to dart wildly across the room in front of him, uncontrollably blinking from sudden nervousness and self-consciousness. His breath quickly grew shallow and every muscle in his body froze. Jake had completely forgotten about the scene.

Heeseung, on the other hand, seemed unaware and unfazed. Continuing with the scene, he quickly brought his head close to Jake's neck and air-bit the younger like a vampire, just like Dancer H had demonstrated. Still confused about the way his body was acting and completely being caught off guard, however, Jake flinched and let out an unscripted squeak of surprise.

"CUT!!" the choreographer interrupted, and Heeseung retracted his hand.

With this, Jake blinked, slowly coming out of his daze as he processed the situation. Then, he instantly whirled around towards the choreographer and dancers to bow in apology. "S-sorry!" he said formally, a blush of embarrassment burning his cheeks.

The choreographer looked back and forth at the two members with an ambiguous expression, hand on his chin in contemplation for a moment. "Hmmm.. Jake-ssi, you look a bit more nervous than shocked or scared' he said. "You did a good job of freezing place, but your eyes need to widen and freeze as well."

"Y-yes, I'm sorry.." Jake apologized again, unsure of what had come over him to make him miss such details. He briefly glanced over at Heeseung, who gave him a small reassuring smile, but that only made his pounding heart race even more.

What is going on? Why do I feel like this? the younger thought to himself, the symptoms still very much present in his body.

But the choreographer quickly made his way back to his place. "Alright, from the top!" he shouted, and the scene started all over again.

For the sake of professionalism, Jake did his best to control his nerves and went through his part again. For the most part, it went surprisingly smooth.

Then Heeseung's part came again, and the older once more ever so slowly reached over the younger's body to cover Jake's mouth, still not missing a detail that Dancer H had shown him.

This time, Jake inhaled sharply and held his breath for a moment, heart thumping loudly in his chest, but he managed to freeze and widen his eyes, pretending to be shocked as Dancer J had demonstrated.

Then, as planned, when Heeseung went in to air-bite Jake's neck again, the younger (still flinching a tiny bit, but not too noticeable) slumped his head down and slowly fell to the side, just in time for Heeseung to catch him.

Once more, a wave of heat pulsed throughout the younger's body at the older's hand against his back, but Jake managed to keep his eyes closed as the older laid his body down, pretending to have fainted like Dancer J had shown.

There was silence for a moment as Heeseung did this, retracting his hand from the younger's body before standing back up. Then, Jake heard a loud chorus of impressed noises arise from the room. The older's ending facial expression must've been much better than what the choreographer and dancers had imagined.

"And CUT!!" the choreographer shouted again, and Jake let out a silent breath of relief before opening his eyes and getting up from the floor.

"That was PERFECT" the choreographer said, making his way over to give both Jake and Heeseung a wide smile.

Jake blushed and Heeseung scratched the back of his hair sheepishly, but they quietly thanked the choreographer and accepted his compliment.

Then, the choreographer turned back towards the rest of the dancers in the room. "Alright, let's take five before we jump into the song" he announced, and everyone turned to chat with each other as they all took a short break.

"Nice job, pup" Jake heard Heeseung say, and he turned around to see a proud and impressed smile on the older's face.

"Thanks, you too, hyung" Jake smiled back, but he couldn't stop thinking about the way his body reacted throughout the whole thing. Even now, he still felt sort of hot on the inside, and his heart refused to calm down.

What is going on? Is there something wrong with me?



who's gonna tell him... lmao

i know i said i was gonna double-post today, but i decided to split the double-post up. the next update should be out by this Saturday, so sorry to those of you who were expecting two chapters ヾ(_ _*)

that being said, thank you all for 13k reads!! i have some really exciting chapters lined up ahead, so i hope y'all are continuing to enjoy the story so far ^^

as always, i love you all and i'll see you in a couple of days!! 


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