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"I don't want things to go back to the way they were either. I like you too, Sim Jaeyun. Will you give me another chance?"

Jake's gaze flickered back and forth between Heeseung's eyes, which were looking back expectantly as the younger struggled to process what the older had just said.

In all honesty, he couldn't believe it. Heeseung-hyung likes me? After I avoided him for a whole week? After I ran away like three times? After I got wasted, drunk-sleeptalked, and probably did other stupidly embarrassing things that I can't remember and hyung won't tell me?

"..A-are you sure?" Jake finally asked with wide eyes. "Like, do you like me like me? Like, LIKE me like me? Or, you know, u-uh.." the younger was a mess with his words and had averted his gaze, scratching the back of his nape.

Heeseung smiled fondly at Jake. He found the latter adorable when he was flustered. He squeezed the younger's hands which were still in his. "Yes, I like you like you." the older emphasized genuinely. "I want us to happen. Will you-"

Suddenly, a knock came from Heeseung's door. The two boys immediately broke apart, clearing their throats awkwardly and standing on each side of the room, staring at opposite walls as Jay poked his head in.

"Hey hyung, have you seen my-oh." Jay said, looking back and forth between the older and Jake.

Heeseung coughed. "What's up Jay?" he said, trying to hide the awkwardness in his voice.

Jay raised an eyebrow. "Am I interrupting something?"

"N-no, I was uh, just looking for my phone. Found it" Jake said, waving his phone for Jay to see before quickly slipping past him out of the room. Heeseung's eyes trailed after the Aussie before he remembered that Jay was staring at him.

"O-kay," Jay said skeptically, looking at the door and then back at Heeseung. "I was just looking for my earbuds. Have you seen them?"

"Nope. No idea." Heeseung said, turning his back to straighten the Bambi keychains on his lamp, pretending that he had been tidying up.

"Alright.. let me know if you see them" Jay said, looking up and down at the older suspiciously before leaving and closing the door. Heeseung released the breath he was holding.

Dam it Park Jongseong, that was such sh!tty timing, he mentally cursed.

Timeskip: 11:24pm

Enhypen had a long day today. After Heeseung and Jake's conversation was interrupted, the group had began to go about their packed schedule; the boys had been working since 11:00am, attending individual vocal training, solo dance instruction, a variety show workshop, and a meeting with producers to discuss elements of their concept for future comebacks. By the time they got home, it was already a little past 11:00pm.

Jake finished showering about 15 minutes ago, and was walking around with a towel around his neck as he shook water droplets out of his blonde hair. After preparing his clothes and essentials he needed for tomorrow, the Aussie felt his stomach rumble. The group hadn't had time to eat dinner due to their hectic schedule, and Jay, the group's main chef, had knocked out as soon as they got home.

Jake peeked at Heeseung's door down the hallway from his room. He hesitated for a bit, but then decided to head over. The younger stopped in front of the door, thinking of what to say to the older.

It's been so long. Why do I feel so nervous?

Just as he was about to knock, the door opened full force from inside, which made Jake jump.

"Oh, Jaeyun," Heeseung said surprisedly before smiling. The older shook his wet pinkish-reddish hair. He had just finished showering, and was wearing a simple white t-shirt and plaid gray bottoms. Parts of his neck and bare face still had water droplets clinging to them. His bare face...

Without realizing, Jake had begun to stare at the older and his lips had slightly parted. It's not like Jake had never witnessed this scene before. But right now, being in comfy clothes and not wearing any makeup, Heeseung looked absolutely ethereal.

Noticing the younger's reaction, the older smirked. "Why are you staring, pup? Is your hyung that handsome?" he asked teasingly.

Jake's face flushed. The group and fans had given him the nickname of "puppy" since debut due to his golden-retriever-like facial features, and it was especially popular now that the Aussie had gone blonde. However, it was mostly used by the fans, so when Heeseung suddenly used the pet name, it caught the younger off guard.

Before the younger could formulate any words, the older laughed and ruffled Jake's hair. "You're so cute." Then Heeseung frowned. "Your hair's still wet" he said, taking the towel from around Jake's neck and ruffling it through the younger's hair again, a bit more aggressively this time.

"I'm fine, hyung" Jake said, slightly pouting and swatting the older's hands away. "You treat me like a kid, even though I'm only one year younger than you."

"Want me to treat you like an adult then?" Heeseung immediately responded, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. Jake's mouth dropped.

"HYUNG!" he whisper-shouted, looking around nervously to see if any of the other members had heard.

Heeseung laughed again. "Ok, ok. What's up?"

Jake suddenly remembered the whole reason he was in front of the older's door. His heart began to race as he looked down shyly, shuffling his feet left to right.

"Oh, u-uh, I was just gonna ask.. do you wanna.. eat ramyeon with me?"



introducing: flirty Heeseung agenda ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

a more lighthearted chapter after all the drama that went down

the last line... Jake Sim?!?!


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