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Timeskip: 9:17pm

After Jay had finished cleaning up the last of the group's dinner mess, the members stayed back to help the staff pack up their cameras and heavy equipment.

When they got back to the house, all of the members except Jake and Heeseung had gone to shower, play video games in the living room, or rest for the night. 

Jake shivered as he tread around the pool, waiting for Heeseung who hadn't come out yet. The water was much colder than the younger had expected, especially since he was used to swimming in warm Australian waters back home. It also didn't help that his swim shorts were quite thin.

He continued to swim around impatiently to try and warm up his body before he heard a voice call from the clear sliding door that led outside.

"How's the water?" Heeseung's voice rang through the night air. Jake turned to see the older who had changed into black swim shorts making his way towards the pool. 

The younger's eyes unconsciously traveled down from Heeseung's face and widened at the sight of his bare torso, firm arms, and toned abs, all on full display. Attractive would've been an understatement; it seemed as if the Greek gods had chiseled his body themselves. 

Suddenly, Jake began to feel very self-conscious of his own body. He crossed his arms in an 'x' shape over his chest in an attempt to hide his thin frame, turning his back to the older and blushing from both butterflies and embarrassment. 

The younger then heard light splashes as Heeseung finally joined him in the water, wading his way towards Jake and laughing endearingly.

"Aww don't be shy, pup, it's just me" the older said as he reached Jake, slipping his arms around the younger's waist. 

Jake's breath hitched. He began to internally panic, arms frozen at the unexpected touch, and his eyes darted wildly around as the older's skin made contact with his back. 

Heeseung smirked. Enjoying the younger's reaction, the older pulled him even closer, which made Jake blink even more nervously. 

"Whoa, who knew you were hiding such a nice body under all those clothes.." he whispered lowly into Jake's ear, slowly brushing his fingers across the Aussie's less defined but still prominent abs. 

A swarm of butterflies and tingles exploded in Jake's stomach as his brain began to malfunction. His heart was practically jumping in his chest, and a wave of heat rapidly spread throughout his body. 

Completely flustered, the younger turned around shakily and weakly hit the older's firm chest. 

"S-stop teasing me, hyung.." he stuttered, and it took everything in Heeseung's power not to devour Jake right then and there. 

As much as he wanted to, though, the older simply smiled, flashing his pearly whites in satisfaction at the effect he had on the the younger. He slowly untangled himself and began to leisurely backstroke, completely unfazed as Jake tried to regain his composure.

"The water's not too bad. I was expecting it to be colder" the older said nonchalantly.

When Jake finally managed to pull himself together, he looked at the older in surprise. "Really?? I think it's freezing. The water back in Australia is so much warmer, even the pool water. Maybe because the sun was always out." 

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now