The Lost Harp of Mervana!

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"Mervana: A shining civilization until its people disappeared into the sea, never be found again. Until now! Solving the clues of Isabella Finch's journal, we'll finally be able to find one of her legendary missing mysteries: The Lost Harp of Mervana!" Huey explains excitedly as the McDuck sub travels through the water.

"Doesn't Uncle Scrooge usually make the long-winded treasure speeches?" Dewey asks.

"Long-winded?" Scrooge asks, offended.

"I like 'em!" Webby says.

"We know, oh we know." Dewey says, terrified by Webby's extreme optimism.

"This is Huey's quest. We're all here to support him. Yeah, go ahead, lad..." Scrooge says.

Huey clears his voice, about to speak, when Scrooge butts in, popping up behind Huey.

"...but ah lad, when the Mervanians disappeared into the sea the priceless harp of Mervana disappeared as well."

"How did the Mervanians survive under the sea, you ask. well, Mervana was home to a mystical race of..." Huey says, and is interrupted by Scrooge again.

"...half-man half-fish creatures. Their legs could turn to fins under water..."

"...allowing them to live..."

" both land and sea!" Scrooge and Huey say together, laughing as they hold each other, bouncing.

"We find the Mervanians, document the harp in Finch's journal, and the missing mystery will no longer be missing!"

"Cool, now there's two people putting us in constant danger." Louie comments.

"Half-person, half-fish, do you know what that is?" Webby asks.

"Disgusting!" Della says with disdain.

"Still afraid of sea life, I take it?" Beakley asks.

"I'm not afraid of fish, I'm just not a fan of anything made of fish parts! Slimy, wall-eyed, unnatural..." Della goes off, falling out of the pilot chair.

"Hey! Turn around!" Donald warns, having to take the controls so the sub doesn't crash.

"Oh come on, fish aren't so bad right Bec-ky?" Dewey asks as he notices Rebecca is absent, a blanket mound in the corner. He lifts it to reveal a quivering, scared-looking Rebecca.

"Nope, mom is right, fish are horrible!" Rebecca grimaces and shivers, curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth in her seat.

"Huh, like mother like daughter I guess."

"Worse. I have acute ichthyophobia, a fear of fish and fish-like creatures. Just always have." She explains.

"Didn't stop you from coming to Atlantis."

"Or swimming to the bin."

"Hey we didn't actually go in the water that first one, and I sucked it up because Uncle Scrooge was in danger!" She rocks back and forth. "The short is, that fish are not to be trusted! They friggin' breathe water man!"

"Yeah, I can't wait to find a bunch of lost undersea monsters who definitely won't have a dark secret that almost gets us killed." Louie says sarcastically.

"Why do you always assume the worst?"

"Because I have a running tally of the number of times each of us has been offered as a sacrifice." Louie explains as he shows the chart showing the number of times each of the five had been offered, with W at 15, H at 10, L at 23, D at 61, and R at 13.

"Dewey's on top!" Dewey says enthusiastically, as if being subject to sacrificing is a contest to win.

"You could learn from her, Louie. I applaud Webby's positivity." Beakley comments.

"Aww, thanks, Granny." Webby thanks.

"Doh, please! Life is not some fairy tale filled with happy endings, and-" Louie says, but is interrupted by Webby because...

"-MERMAIDS!" Webby shouts, as they arrive at Mervana, almost everyone at the window ooh'ing and ahh'ing.

Ae've never seen anything more beautiful in all my life." Scrooge comments, when...

"ARMING TORPEDOES" The intercom says.

"Target locked!" Rebecca says.

"Della, Becky, NO!" The others shout as Della prepares to fire on Mervana, Rebecca on the periscope, shaking fearfully as Della grits her teeth.


After diffusing the situation, everyone swim out in SCUBA gear to meet the mermaids they, and get a good first impression, albeit with Scrooge skeptical of their hippy lifestyle.

"Wow, Dickie would love it here!" Huey comments.

"You two sure you don't want to come to this undersea adventure?" Dewey asks Della and Rebecca, who are in the sub still.

"We're good here, honey. Away from the fiUUUHHH fiUUUHHH- Aw, I can't even say it." Della says, gasps when she sees a school of fish while Rebecca yelps and cowers behind the porthole, shaking like a leaf.

In the sub some time later, Della is playing tic-tac-toe by herself while Rebecca just watches, bored. Della makes one move. "Yeah!" She then makes the next move and causes a stalemate. "No! This is ridiculous. We should be out there with our family."

Rebecca sighs. "Yeah, I guess you're ri-"

Suddenly Dewey crawls in, wearing his mock mermaid tail. "Mom, Becky, Look at my super cool fins!"

"EEEKK! DEWEY'S BEEN TURNED A FISH!" Rebecca shrieks out in fear at seeing her brother with a fish tail, hides behind Della terrified, shaking wide-eyed.

Della gags as she looks away. "I have no [other] family."

After a further while, the mother-daughter duo decide to try to join their family.

"C'mon, you're Della Duck. You can handle some fish for your family. Oh I said 'fish' without gagging. Oh I said it again." Della pep talks herself as she climbs down the ladder.

"Yeah, and I need to face my fears for them. I mean, it's just some stupid fish." Rebecca says.

Then they see the sea serpent in the water. "AAHH!" Della cries out as she quickly climbs back up the ladder while gagging.

"Nope! Nope! Hide from your fears and never face them!" Rebecca says as she and Della hop down the hatch and shut it, cowering together as Della protectively holds Rebecca, the two rocking back and forth together.

After learning the truth of how King Honestus became so lazy he turned into a monster trying to escape the truth, retrieving the harp, and making it to shore, followed by Honestus.

"Time to send this fish back to school!" Della says as she jump kicks Honestus. "I did it! I touched a gross fish! Uhh, I touched a fish!" She sniffs her prosthetic and gags.

"Is it dead?!" Rebecca asks, poking out from the sub hatch, as things resolve themselves.

However, after Beakley tells Webby she has no more secrets, the Harp ominously says "She's fibbing, fibbing, fibbing."

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