Sonadow 🦔

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"Tea/Coffee Time"

It was a beautiful sunny day in greenhills. Bird are singing, flowers are freshly blooming. Kids outside playing around, while the parent make some delicious breakfast for the whole family.

Sonic tiredly yawns and he quickly gets off his bed. He makes his bed neatly and walks to the bathroom. He grabs a toothbrush and squeeze out the last bit of toothpaste. It wasn't much but it smoothly poured out onto the toothpaste. Sonic sighs to himself and brushes his teeth very quickly. He then spits out the minty bubbly liquid out of his mouth and rinses his mouth and swallowed the water. Its a habit. I can see Sonic doing that.

After he's finished, he swiftly wipes his mouth and went back to his bedroom. He then opens closet only to find a single glove inside. He rises his shoulders up and drops them back down. He grabs the glove and places them on his bed. He slowly takes off his gloves and place them beside the previous clean gloves he set on the bed, revealing his pink-ish paws. He stretches his hands then his whole entire body. He then quickly put on his clean gloves.

The blue hedgehog walks to a mirror near his bedstand. He grabs a comb from the bedstand and start brushing his quils. After he was done, he puts the comb down and finger points to himself in the mirror. "Looking good" He click his tongue and winks to the mirror. He actually learns how to take care of himself because of his friends. Tails was the most helpful one. He showed to Sonic how he is suppose to start his morning routine and Sonic begins to realise that it was helping him to becoming a better person.

He looks away from the mirror and walks to the kitchen. He opens a cupboard above a fridge and grabs a plastic cup and make his way to the water dispenser. He was about to pour himself a glass of water until a knock on his front door stops him.

He puts down his cup and proudly walks to the door. He guessed that it would have been Tails since he would always check up on Sonic every morning and have tea time with him. Sonic grabs the door knob and turns it.

"Hey Budd-" He was cut off when he sees a different kind of shoes and black skinny skin. His eyes narrow from the figures shoes to face. It was Shadow! Shadow was crossing is arms and legs apart from each other. Sonic blinks his eyes and started to realise who EXACTLY was in front of his house.

"Wait, you're not Tails! Tails is yellow and doesn't have a fluffy chest fur!" Sonic jokes, pointing at Shadow's flaws. "Quit the joke hedgehog." Shadow spoke as he pushes Sonic away from him. Sonic chuckles and leads him inside his house. Sonic walks back to the kicthen, leaving Shadow at the living room and asked: "So what brings you here Shadow?"

Shadow doesn't answer and looks around Sonic's house. His walls, furniture, decoration and such. Sonic shrugs and continue on what he was doing before Shadow came in. Then he thought of something. He turns his posture around and shouted across the room saying : "Would you like to drink anything?!"

Shadow eyes looks away from a picture frame he was staring for a while. He then walks to the kitchen and sees the blue hedgehog sipping water from a plastic white cup. "Coffee." Shadow requests not looking at Sonic. Shadow leans against the wall and crossed his arms. As for the blue hedgehog, he wasn't suprised that Shadow enjoys coffee and asks him for one. He then opens a cabinet underneath a stove, pulling out a kettle. He places the kettle inside a sink nearby and starts filling it up.

Shadow begins to look around in the kitchen. His light yellow curtains which was flowing to the wind's beat, his well-picked furnitures and where he places them. Shadow spoke up. "This place was different when I last time came by."

Sonic got startled at his sudden notice. He turns his head to Shadow and scratch the back of his neck. "Y-yeah, yknow, I gotta stay 'productive!'" He said in a sarcastic tone. Shadow scoffs. As the kettle was full, Sonic lift it up and placed it gently onto the stove. He turns up the fire and put it in medium heat. "With black coffee beans with a spoon on the side?" Sonic asks. Shadow chuckled and smirks at him.

The room was filled only with the sound of the fan going on and the wind breeze hitting the window curtains. Sonic taps his finger on the table while Shadow just shuts his eyes.

"Y'know.." Sonic starts.

Hearing Sonic's voice speaking up, Shadow open his eyes and lock eyes with him.

"Waiting for the water to boil may take a while. Wanna train outside while we wait?" Sonic points outside the window. It had a nice green flat surface to train on. Shadow looks outside and simply nodded. Sonic became excited when Shadow accepts his request. "Don't get your hopes high just yet" He warns. Sonic just soften his expression and smirks.


- 🦔 -

They both zoomed out from the kitchen then the house. They both stood like 2 - 3 meters away from each other. They stood in their charging position, looking at each other. Sonic was getting thrilled for their 'friendly' battle.

They fought for a minute or two which felt like hours. But Ima write about what happened in the end. Shadow would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy training with Sonic. Its how they spend time together.

The two hedgehogs looked at each other with full determination. Shadow begins to charge in first. He skates towards him in a flash, throwing a punch at Sonic with Sonic dodges by ducking. "Impressive." Shadow mutters to himself. Now its Sonic's turn. He swiftly tried kicked Shadow's leg down but Shadow jumps over and hovers with his air shoes. Sonic knew he was going to do that so he grabs him by his legs and pins him down.

Shadow got startled by his action. Both of them were panting a lot. Mostly Sonic. "I- (pants).. win!" Sonic smiles. Sonic began to realise the position he is in. His face slowly turns into a dark shade of pink. Shadow chuckles to himself underneath. Shadow lift his head up a little to give Sonic a little peck on the cheek. Sonic begins to flutter and froze. Shadow took this opportunity to escape from him and a punch landed on Sonic's face.

Sonic flings away. Shadow catched up to him and landed him a hand to grab on. He smiles at Sonic. Sonic's emerald eyes starts shimmering at Shadow's kind offer. He grins and held on to it as he gets off the ground.

They both looked at each other for good seconds and Sonic was about to lean in, they heard the kettle noise. Sonic groans, why did it had to be interupted. Shadow playfully lands a punch his shoulder and they both walk back inside the house. Sonic begans to give Shadow his Coffee and Sonic drank his tea.

The end.

(1300 words )


Honestly, I had an idea where it would end up like this.

Shadow chuckles to himself underneath. Shadow lift his head up a little to give Sonic a little peck on the cheek. Sonic begins to flutter and froze.

And then they both made out and the kettle started singing but they just ignored it and the house blew up yet still they dont care.

'making out with shadow while house is on fire #slayy'

Sonic posts.

All of his friends got a notication and started yelling/panicking.

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