Christmas Morning

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"Big sis!! Wake up, you'll never believe this!"

I feel my body being vigorously shaken, akin to snow cascading down a mountain during an avalanche, and the sound of Charlie's voice calling out my name, anchoring me back to reality from the vivid dream that felt all too real. Fluttering my eyes open, and adjusting to the light shining through my window, I found my younger brother peering upon me with optimistic eyes that twinkled with excitement.

"Finally, it's Christmas morning! We have tons of gifts under the tree! I'm talkin' way more than last year! Hurry up, let's go open them."

"Did you wake up dad first?" I questioned groggily, knowing he'd be cranky if we snuck a peak before he brewed his morning coffee.

"I know I shouldn't have looked, but Dad wasn't in his room, so I only peeked under the tree and saw the presents there... I promise I didn't touch anything!"

"Mhm, well that's unlike him to disappear without telling us."

Fatigued from the long night, I tiredly let out a ferocious yawn before sweeping my disheveled morning hair from my face. As I went to step down from the bed, I noticed I was still wearing the silky green pajamas Bernard laid out for me last night. Completely caught off guard, I instantly glance down at my shirt, studying my hand-stitched initials on the pocket.

"Hold on- last night actually happened!? It wasn't just some crazy dream?" I exclaim, looking over at Charlie, who smiles at my instantaneous astonishment. A flurry of emotions surged through me all at once like a snowstorm. While I was glad to confirm that the incredibly charming elf I had encountered was real, Charlie and I now have our work cut out for us.

"Charlie, listen to me..." I plead and pat the edge of the bed, indicating for him to sit down for a brief moment. "We need to talk about what happened on Christmas Eve. You do understand that Santa Claus is our dad now, so we have a lot to do? It feels so strange saying that out loud."

Charlie nods and gives me a thumbs-up, "I understand what that means, big sis! It means getting lots of presents on Christmas and a free pass to unlimited hot chocolate."

"Haha, well, I suppose you're not wrong. That does sound rather nice, but there's more to it..." I confined with a fond giggle at Charlie's innocence. "We have to use this opportunity to make Dad believe in the magic of Christmas, and persuade him that he's the new Santa."

"Can't we just tell him it was all real? I mean, you didn't believe it happened either until just now."

"You do realize we're talking about our father, right? The same person who was in denial the entire time, claiming loudly in the sleigh that he was going for a CAT scan the next morning? Listen, I spoke with Bernard, and he warned me that it could be a challenge convincing him of what occurred."

"Neil told me it's called denying your inner child."

"I think Niel has a point but is a tad hypocritical since he doesn't believe in Santa either. Aren't you glad you listened to me instead?"

"Yep, I'm glad to have you, big sis!" Charlie says, and I pull him into a hug, ruffling his hair. "You're smushing me," He adds.

"Oops, sorry Kiddo!" 

As we both get up from the bed, eager to see what presents await us under the tree. Before heading downstairs, I double-checked into our father's room one last time, but he was still nowhere to be found. Is it possible that he actually went for a CAT scan? I can't help but feel that it's a bit extreme...

As we make our way into the living room, I observe Charlie busily organizing the presents, meticulously sorting them into different piles, as though he learned his diligent work from the elves at the workshop. It rings as clearly as a sleigh bell, that this is his favourite Christmas yet.

The Santa Clause: Cookie Kiss | Bernard the Elf X Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now