Let's Play a Game

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Once upon a time, a great famine befell the land, leaving it barren and desolate. The once-fertile earth cried out in agony, for its soil was now rotten and lacking the nutrients it so desperately craved. The trees, which had once been a source of life, now oozed a foul slime of sadness, leaving their leaves withered and brown. The creatures who had once thrived among the lush landscape were now helpless, their bodies emaciated and weak from lack of sustenance. It was as though the land itself was dying, and with it, everything that called it home.

"And do you know what happened to Hansel and Gretel when their wicked stepmother left them deep within that forest? They ran across the witch's house, thinking it was food they could eat, but instead, the witch tried to stuff them into the oven!" I cry, trying my best to reason with Bernard. "And now we're going into that house? I'm sure La Befana is great, but her house has got to be cursed... I mean, right?"

"Well, Hansel and Gretel didn't have me to protect them, did they?" he said, his tone firm but comforting. "Besides, the house might be unique, but it's not cursed. You have nothing to worry about, Snowdrop. I'll make sure you stay safe."

As Bernard's words sank in, I felt a faint warmth spread across my cheeks. I cleared my throat, hoping to conceal any visible signs of reaction, and silently followed Bernard as we made our way toward La Befana. The looming presence of the Wobbly Woods, with its secrets and mysteries, surrounded us as we ventured further down into the forest.

It's hard to explain, but there's something about Bernard that draws me to him. Perhaps it's the way he reveals his tender side when he speaks about the enchantment of Christmas, despite his grumpy, yet assertive exterior. Or maybe it's his unwavering determination to protect the North Pole and his family that lives there. Whatever it is, Bernard carries himself in an essence that I instinctively trust, even when everything else seems uncertain.

"Bernard, I just wanted to say thank you for letting me come with you. I know this situation is anything but ordinary, but I appreciate the chance to be part of figuring this out."

Bernard, with a rare softness in his voice, responds: "Well, Snowdrop, I'm actually glad you're here. This gives me a chance to know you better. With everything going on, it's important that we work together."

When we reached the door of La Befana, I could feel a knotted clump in my throat. The yard was an overwhelming sight, with emerald-colored icing carefully sculpted to resemble a lush carpet of grass. The flowers were made of green licorice stems and adorned with button candies that formed exquisite sweet petals. And then my attention shifted to the door, made entirely of gingerbread, with a green gumdrop doorknob that looked almost too tempting to resist.

"Whatever you do, don't eat anything," Bernard warns, and knocks upon the door, waiting for Le Befana to answer.

Instantaneously, the door swung wide all on its own, and in a haunting tone, the voice of the witch echoed through the house, "Well, well, well...I've been expecting you."

Bernard turns to me for a brief moment before we take another step. "Remember when I said I appreciate you coming along? We'll get through this together. Just stay close, and remember, I've got your back. We're here to find answers and put an end to whatever is causing trouble at the North Pole."

As we step inside, I feel a wave of terror washes over me and instinctively tighten my grasp around Bernard's arm. I had braced myself for the sight of treachery, expecting to see the dining table covered with various tempting desserts and maybe even a prison cell where the past witch kept her pray and devoured her victims. Even though La Befana wasn't that kind of witch, the legacy of this house carried a dark history, and it sent shivers down my spine. But to my surprise, the interior of La Befana's home was quite the opposite.

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