Log 7: Another monster

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Flashback continues...
"Ehh, Johan... did you know the person I just talked to?"

"No, I did not."

"Hmmm- I'll believe you for now."

I won't bother questioning her why that man would be involved with me because it'll lead to critical thinking and q she's only twelve years old— then again she doesn't act like it sometimes.

Most of the time we were walking to the library, I was forced to endure Kikyo's high-pitched voice which was harmless until a certain point.

The minority of the time was used to making changes to my schedule because of what Naoe could ask me to do. He's well-informed about how significant the date tomorrow is and I can already predict how he'll take advantage of it.

Perhaps I could alter my plans and accommodate his demands until further notice. There's absolutely no reason to rush it.

Lies aren't going to suffice when attempting to deceive Naoe, not ones that are made up of a whole lie at least.

This walk, everything about it is... calm.

It doesn't feel real, nothing about this feels like it's part of reality; the road, trees, people, Kikyo, and my intentions.

Has this happened? Maybe it has but my instincts are telling me— screeching to me that I'm making a grave mistake.

I don't understand.

Why have I been doing this?

There's a reason for me doing all of this, I can't see it any other way. The lies, actions of others, and hell I've had to withstand are not the reasons for developing such convoluted plans.

It's true, all of it is true. I remember the result but not the details of what happened and... there's no point. No point to hold an argument in my mind if there's a reason for my actions, as long as I know the true reason...

That will be enough.

For now, I'll have to find the one behind the erasure of my memory.

Every day, I deal with this issue. I forget the reasons why I'm doing everything I am but this treacherous road I've been on has led me nowhere.

What if... there isn't...

"Kikyo, do you see what's up ahead?"

"Uhh other than the library, I see your dumb face up ahead."

"How does that-"

"Don't question the great one," she interrupted me and pointed her finger right at my face.

"Right, my apologizes."

I almost let out a thin smile to which I stopped just in time— still amused with her act.

A few minutes later, Kikyo and I find ourselves separated within the walls of the Library. I can already picture the adventure she's having attempting to imitate the books I would read.

Perhaps I should give her a list of genres I prefer to read, to at least give her a chance at achieving her goal.

As the French Philosopher and mathematician, Blaise Pascal said, "All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone."

What if Johan and Kiyotaka were detectives? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now