Scumbag City

154 11 4

Pete got us inside in less than 20 seconds flat; only three seconds off of my unbeatable record. I was still slightly in awe of his impressive moves that made the bouncer melt like putty in his hands when we were pulled into a sweltering, steamy room. A tanned man wearing nothing but these incredibly tight undies and a red neck tie pressed three cocktail glasses into our hands, winking at Ross as he shimmied away. I didn't even bother to wonder what was inside my violent green glass and knocked it back in one, sucking the olives off the cocktail stick for dessert. Ross looked uneasily at his pink and purple drink before setting it down at the bar. Pete sipped at his, making disgusted faces and retching noises every two seconds.

I scanned the crowded bar and the dance floor, my mind already beginning to twist and churn in time with the disco lights. All we needed to do was find her fast and get the hell out of there. I glanced down at the empty glass clutched in my fist and grimaced. I wouldn't be able to drive home now. I shrugged off my lack of will power, grabbed Ross's drink and downed it fast. God knows I needed it.

The music, I hated it. It increased my heart rate by at least 50 beats and my head was throbbing like I had a hangover from hell. It was like a casual Saturday night. I was almost expecting to see Calum through the crowds, grinding against some girls and drowning himself in a pint. Except there wasn't any girls. Anywhere.

I scanned the crowd, ignoring Ross and Pete's complaints about the terrible music, searching for long, blonde hair and a black jumpsuit. But I could already tell it was useless. I'd have to go looking for her. I pulled out my phone and searched through the gallery, eventually finding a good picture of Eloise. It was after her eighteenth last month and she was standing in the bath in her pyjamas, laughing at something Adam had said.

"This is who we're looking for so keep an eye out" I said, brandishing my phone at the lads. Pete took it and raised his eyebrows, a small smile creeping on to his face.

"I don't like that smile, O'Hanlon" I grimaced, reaching my hand out. He held on to my phone, looking up at me with big, round eyes.

"What? It's a pretty picture!" he whined.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the crowd, leaving Pete to ogle over my friend. I wasn't even bothered to tell him that he'd never have a chance. Every boy in Bristol was after her and she overlooked every single one of them, even the best looking lads.

I glanced over my shoulder at Ross who was now wedged uncomfortably between two half naked dancers. He shot me a look of utter terror and I sighed in frustration, beckoning him over. He squeezed his way between them, panting heavily by the time he reached me. He looked like a terrified little boy who'd just lost his parents in tescos. I entwined his hand in mine and gave him a small smile.

"I know it's packed; I hate big crowds too" I roared into his ear. He grinned and followed me on to the dance floor, every inch of it occupied with hopping, squirming bodies. We zigzagged across the room, swinging our hands over people's heads and jumping to avoid being trampled on. I suddenly slipped on something sticky and lumpy, and Ross quickly grabbed my waist, steadying me. My heart fluttered violently in my chest and I was horribly ensnared between wanting to run hell for leather away from Ross and ripping his jacket off. I glanced up at him, expecting him to be just as flustered as I was but instead he was squinting ahead, as if he was thinking really hard about something. I stared at him for a moment longer than I should have, admiring how his pale skin glowed different shades of pink and blue and green beneath the lights.

"Uh Stella? I think I found your friend" he said suddenly, leaning right into my ear. His breath trickled down my neck and I shuddered.

I reluctantly turned my head away from his and immediately spotted Eloise who was struggling to climb on to a bar stool. A group of guys pushed her up, hooting and howling as she stood up unsteadily and began to dance.

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