The final Proposals

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  • Dedicated to To the English teacher I had last year and the English student teacher I had thi

Blaise’s POV

He was ready to collapse on the floor from exhaustion. How he hated this stupid marriage law! He just couldn’t believe they wanted HIM to propose to Ginny Weasley… of all people. “Of all the girls in England they had to choose a Weasley for him”, he thought.

He had just spent THREE hours at a jewellery store trying to find the right ring for the Weasley girl. That had been a very difficult task because he knew next to nothing about her so he didn’t know what the right ring for her was. After three hours of pure torture he managed to find an acceptable ring for her.

He had always pictured Ginny Weasley as fierce but sensitive at the same time. That’s why he chose a ring that was small and dainty in shape but fierce in colour. The band was simple and narrow made of silver and the gem was small in the shape of a heart. The heart was made of a bright emerald and on both sides of the heart there was a tiny, shiy diamond.

The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He just hoped that the Weasley girl would like it too since that was what she was getting. He knew that normally when buying a ring you would choos4e some styles you like and then choose the one you liked the most from them but he really didn’t have it in him to spend another three hours to find another style of ring he liked. Apart from that, this heart shaped ring was really growing on him so he decided to just get it over with and buy it so he could go and finish this proposal once and for all.

“Excuse me sir, I would like to buy the heart shaped ring if it isn’t a problem. Please put it in its rightful box and don’t wrap it please… I’m unfortunate enough to have to use it later”, he finished.


Ginny’s POV

It had been two days since she had received the Ministry Booklet and she had been feeling more and more exhausted each day that passed. “They weren’t kidding when saying that after three days of not seeing your partner you’ll start getting more tired each day!”, she thought.

The one thing she hated the most about this new law was how much of her independence she was losing. She couldn’t even stay two days without seeing her partner without feeling as if a building had just fallen on her. She had always been a very independent woman and that was how she had managed to live in a big house all on her own for so long and she hated to have that independence taken away from her.

She heard a knock at her door and went to open it, not quite knowing that she was about to get the shock of her life. She gasped loudly when she saw who was waiting at her door. Blaise Zabini in all his glory, leaning casually against the doorframe. “What the hell are you doing here Zabini?”, she yelled. She felt herself blush when she saw Blaise raise an eyebrow at her choice of language.

“Well, hello to you too, Weasley. It’s nice to see you too and thanks for asking by the way.”, he said sarcastically. “I’m here to do what the Ministry has asked of all boys but before I feel compelled to tell you that I’m only doing this because I don’t want to live as a muggle and NOT because I want to make this better for you. If it was for me I would only talk to you during the wedding and afterwards to conceive the baby”, he continued. With all that out of his stomach Ginny saw him get something from behind his back and presenting it to her.

Ginny was shell shocked and became even more shocked when she realised that it was a small, squarish jewel box. She saw Blaise opening it and gasped for the second time in five minutes when she saw an engagement ring. A beautiful engagment ring. She would have been in seventh heaven right now if it weren’t for the cold way Blaise was looking at her. She was starting to think that maybe he had wanted her to hate the ring or something.

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