OnikaFaree too

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Mkayy so GoddessXi I'm gonna post the beynika imagines after I finish the last chapter of obikafaree so it won't be like mixed up.

AYNNDD FENQYEW Tyreeona_Lankford FOR SHOWIN ME LUUHHVV😘😘your just amazing😌💞

Upstairs nicki was on the phone
"Hello" she answered
" hey nic" drake said on the other line
"Hey drake what's up"
"Nothing much, i was just calling to see how everything's going"
"Everything's fine babe, today's my day off so im just sitting back relaxin, hows everything with you?"
"Everything's fine i got a show to do in a few hours that I'm about to start getting ready for"
"Oh well i'll let you go then, thanks for calling babe and good luck on your show tonight"
"Alright Nic ill talk to you soon take care, bye"
"You too, bye" she said as she hung up.

She sat on her bed thinking bout the conversation she had with Safaree. 'I don't know what came over me down there i hope i didn't make him feel uncomfortable, I've flirted wit wayne and drake and a lot of other people before but never with Sb' she thought as she bit her bottom lip 'I've liked him for as long as i can remember and I've always avoided flirting with him because i don't know if he feels the same and i don't want to mess up our friendship'
As she sat on her bed thinking safaree knocked t on her door.

"Come in" she said

"Hey nic i was wondering if u wanna cook dinner with me" he said nervously

"Sure babe, just lemme change into more comfortable clothes " she said looking for some shorts cause she was getting hot in her sweats
Sb smiled at her calling him babe. She always calls people that but she rarely ever does it with him.

"Ok nic ill be downstairs" He left towards the kitchen.

Nicki made it downstairs as sb was taking everything they needed out.

"So what you making me?" She said

"I was thinking some spaghettis" he said

"Ok cool" she said sitting down on the island with her ipad
Sb chuckled cause everytime he asked her to cook with him she'd say yea and end up just sitting on the counter with her iPad while he did all the work. He didnt mind tho he was use to it. All he really wanted was for her to be there with him and keep him company. Nicki started laughing.

"What you laughing at" he asked

"Nothing just on twitter the barbz are in-freaking-sane" she said laughing harder "so Sb do you have a favorite OF fic?" She asked

"Umm why nic?"

"Cause i wanna read one, i wanna know how the barbs view our relationship"

"You do know they aren't about us just being friends right? I mean some are about us being married and having kids and your barbz are really detailed when it comes to you know" he said hoping she'd get the hint

"When it comes to sex?" She said. He nodded. "Can i ask you something?"


"How many of them have you read?"

"Um not too many just a couple" he lied

"You do know i can tell when your lieing right?" She said

"Ok nic idk how many, ive read a lot"

"Why do you read them? I mean you don't feel awkward reading a sex scene about us?"

"Well not really" he said lowly

"Do you get.. You know..turned on by them?" She asked blushing

Sb froze he didnt know how to answer that. Yes he gets turned on by them but how could he tell her that?

"Umm i'll only answer that question if you answer it too" he said

"But i havn't read that yet" she said

"Ok ill show you one and you go in the living room and read it while i finish in here then we can both answer it" he said grabbing her ipad. He pulled up one that he's read over a hundred times that always makes him just want to go up to her and do exactly what was written. Hed fantasiez about it many times and when he needed a sexual release hed handel it himself thinking about it.

"Ok" she said as he handed her back the ipad and headed to the livingroom.

She started reading the story that was a 3 part oneshot. As she read she thought 'wow this is a great story! I can't wait to get to the good part. Ive always pictured what it would be like if me and sb were to get together but this story makes me feel like its actually real'

Once she got to the steamy part she couldn't stop blushing. With every word she read shed feel like if he was doing that to her at that moment. She felt every kiss on her body from his soft lips. She felt him running his hands threw her hair as he kissed her neck. His moist tongue making its way down to her chest, finally reaching her breasts sucking on them as if they were his favorite flavored popsicles. When he made it down to her other set of lips she felt his breath as he got closer and closer. once he finally reached her she couldnt help but let out a soft moan as she felt her walls tighten as if his tongue had really entered her.

Sb was standing by the wall watching her read. He knew she would be getting to his favorite part any min. As he watched her blush he knew she was reading it. He saw her loose her breath just reading it. She looked so sexy to him. Then he heard her moan and knew she was feeling every word like he does every time he reads it. At that moment he got his answer and decided to let her enjoy the rest of the story while he prepared their plates.

After she moaned nicki snapped out of the trance she was in remembering Sb was a few feet away in the kitchen. She felt really hot all of a sudden and her pussy was pulsating begging her to give it what it needed at that moment. she decided to finish the story in her bedroom. She got to her room and locked her door. She finished reading the story and she couldn't take it. It had built up sexual tension and she needed to release it. She needed Safaree. She wanted him to do everything, she had just read, to her and she wanted it now!

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