self checkout

56 3 5

Hello and welcome back readers! Get your chocolate frogs and butterbeer ready for another great adventure and save it for the papers!

AN: This part is going to be extra long because I have been lacking in length for the last chapters :)


-Hermiones Pov-

I had laid in the couch swirling my newly poured wine, contemplating whether or not I should call the random worker who approached me at the Italian resturant

"I shouldn't do this..."  or "I think im crazy" I say repeating the words to try and discourage myself from taking this route

Staring at the contact I wonder if I should actually press the one button that could possibly change my life forever

Or... maybe I'm thinking too hard

Maybe he just wants to be friends 

Im just overreacting, I'm sure!

I decide to press the button, or maybe I should actually do a countdown

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Ok lets start that again, I wasn't exactly ready

5... 4... 3... 2... AHH

I suddenly jolted up gaining more consciousness of my surroundings 

Rose had her pajamas on and was running all around the house laughing

Soon after her Ron came out with his hands out following behind her

"DADDYS TRYING TO TICKLE ME" She started yelling in between laughs

After he finally got hold of her, he started tickling her as she laughed all of her energy away

I noticed that the time started getting late 

I  gently grabbed Rose

"Ok that's enough, its time for bed" I said trying to get her to calm down

"NOO NOT YET MOMMY I WANT TO PLAY MORE WITH DADDY" She replied whining with her words

"No daddy needs to go home" I said again trying to her to her room

"Actually I can spend some time her if she really wants" He said

This guy is getting on my nerves

"Yeah!" Rose and Hugo screamed

"Can we stay at daddy house over the weekend mommy?" Hugo asked

"Pretty Please!" Rose followed up behind him

"Ugh I guess because you guys haven't seen him much" I say "But you guys have to pack a bag though, and make sure to take all the stuff you need" "Actually... ill help you guys" I say leading them to their rooms

As I entered their rooms I shifted my eyes to notice Ron leaning on the door frame in a quite cute manner.... no I can't do this.. were getting a divorce

I leaned down towards the kids drawers bending my knees on their soft carpet reaching for the drawer knobs to get their clothes

The feeling of emptiness sort of filled my stomach as I realized that my children would be without me for a long period of time, but then again Ron is still their father and I did not make Rose and Hugo by myself. 

I started grabbing a change of clothes for the morning and some extra things that they can't stand a day to live without

Zipping up their small travel backapacks I put them on their shoulders and decided to have a talk with them before they left

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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