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Hello and welcome back readers! Get your chocolate frogs and butterbeer ready for another great adventure on save it for the papers!

AN: Heyy guys I have been gone for a while and I have been working on several of my writing skills so hopefully this chapter is good!


*A week later, lawyers office*

-Hermiones POV-

I pulled out the wooden chair, taking a deep sigh and waiting until every corner of my lung was filled with air. It had been a while since we talked but somehow we found ourselves at the lawyers office finalizing our divorce. 

I sat on the plump plush, swaying around until I could get comfortable on the seat for this long conversation

"Long time no see". Ron started, trying to bring light to a humorous mood

"Yeah... I guess" I said not being able to look him directly in the eye

After our big argument I was never really able to look Ron in the eye.  He held something in those bright blue orbs that reminded me of things I'm still trying to forget...

Like that time he took me to the skate park and i fell over while using his roller skates or that time while trying to lick his ice cream and made his cone flip over on the sidewalk as we laughed hysterically or that time we...

"SNAP out of it" I accidentally say out loud

 in which Ron responds with his usual "what?"

The lawyer comes just in time to save us from a very AKWARD conversation 😮‍💨

"So, after all this time of knowing you guys, now is the time ya'll wanna break up" she says with a bit of a chuckle

"well, yeah" Ron says, he cant help but laugh

"So lets talk about some of the things that will be happening in your new journey in life" the lawyer says as she starts to gather her papers together

I bow my head a bit in embarrassment and frustration. I never thought it would come to this point. Maybe petty fights that we would laugh about in the near future but never a divorce. 

"What are your plans for custody, and money and things" the lawyer said leaving the conversation open

We sat in silence, all glancing at each other occasionally waiting for someone to be brave and open their mouth to just talk

"Someone eventually has to talk" the lawyer said breaking the silence

"Umm we've been thinking about this and discussing what our preferences are in the divorce and as far as the children I think we'd like to co-parent" I say shyly

"Ok and are there any designated days that you would like to have the children or would you like to file for child support" she continues

"Hermione and I agreed that we both wont be filing for child support" "and for coparenting, we'll just figure out a situation ourselves" Ron says in a nonchalant tone 

"Ok" the lawyer nodded in agreement

"NOW." "we're getting to the hard part" she continued

I already knew what was coming, the asset distribution or where we would see who gets the money, car, house and other things

I hoped that Ron would leave me with at least some property or if he left me all the property he wouldn't use it as an excuse to make me take care of the children most times


AN: If you don't understand what i'm saying in the last sentence ill explain

So she's saying that if Ron wants to give her all the property she hopes that he wont be like 

"You have to take care of the children more often because you have a stable house that I decided to give to you"

I hope you understand 😭


"Lets talk about asset distributions" the lawyer said with a little sigh of fear of what was ahead

"I don't know if you've discussed this yet, but what are your plans for your house shared car and joint bank account"

"I-" I tried to say something before I was cutoff by Ron who had seemed to have already made a decision

"I think Mione should have the house and the family car" He exclaimed

"What!" I said "Well where are you going to live"

"Don't worry I already have it figured it out" "I got a major grant for one of my research projects and I used the extra of my budget to buy a house and car" Ron said

"oh." I said with a blank tone "when was that"

When did Ron tell me about a research project?! and he bought a house without my knowing.. 

"About 2 months ago," "I was going to surprise you for our upcoming anniversary but then we got caught up in this divorce thing, so I just decided to put the money away, which I eventually used to buy a house and car"

Oh, he was waiting for our anniversary.. 

I didn't know that 

"Well thats great for you!" I plastered a fake smile across my face 

"I have never really heard much about your work" I almost whisper

"Yeah well maybe if you weren't so moody I could have a normal conversation with you" he says putting a obvious fake smile too

"You know I was only moody because of the-" 

"Alright, I think thats enough for today" the lawyer said

I think she was honestly tired of our bickering and was a bit happy that we were separating

I wasn't though, I loved Ron, with my entire heart

He was my first true love, the one who I had my kids with

I had this all planned, we would get married have kids and live our happily ever after raising them and getting old together

But here we were, arguing over his job and deciding who's taking care of the kids and who gets the house

our dream house..



Thank you all SO MUCHH for reading please vote and lets continue on with the next chapter 😝

Also I don't know the process for divorce I tried to research the process but it took to long and I had an urge just to make a new chapter 

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