Elaphant Trunk, on your trunk.

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Stinky & Leo where riding away in the jungle singing there made up song. Util idea struck stinky head.

Stinky: "Hey Leo?"


Stinky: "In are made up song, I never had an elephant put its trunk on my rear trunk."

Leo: "Yeah, what you point?"

Stinky: "Why is the lyrics says that, if it never happened?"

Leo looks at stinky giggling  in his paw.

Leo: "It's just funny Stinky. Why would elephant puts its trunk on your rear trunk?"

Stinky thoughts about it

Stinky: "Maybe it's brave enough to smell it!"

Leo rolls his eyes, in disbelief.

Leo: "yeah sure it is."

Stinky: "You don't believe me?"

Leo: "Stinky, I never see an elephant smelling a fart in my life time."

Stink then had I Light bulb in her head. She places a bet on Leo. Telling him that if she can get an elephant to smell her rear end she wins the bet.

Leo: " why not do a prank on one? It would be funny!"

Stinky: " I don't think I want to do that though."

Leo was confused.

Leo: " Why do you not want to do that?"

Stinky explained.

Stinky: " I just think it's not nice. I know you, Pranked me when you're chasing me. But I kinda like that prank  by the way. But , I am not a prankster. Am just a girl who wants to be friends with all animals! I want them to laugh with me! Not at me or them."

Leo: "I see."

Leo begins to think to himself how nice stinky is. He would like to be friends with stinky, because she knows better than him than  him. What to learn better ways then that.
They butt bump promise each other for the bet.  They ride on to find an elephant.
Leo was going to take a nap, he lay down and close his eye and rest.

Stinky's thoughts: "How cute can a lion like Leo sleep so adorable?"

Then In Stinky's life side of her, There was a sound of a Trumpet.

Stinky 's thought:"Is that what I think it is?"

Stinky open the bushes and saw an elephant stuck on a tree root. It can't get out, so Stinky Butt ran to the scenes to try to help.

Stinky: "Don't worry am here !"

Looks up and saw stinky.

Elephant: "Why hello human girl, Why am stuck!"

Stinky: " What happened!?"

Elephant: " I was running away from the bees until my foot got wedge in the root of this tree!"

Stinky saw how the elephant got stuck. She grabs the to edges of the route and opening them up. The elephant foot was,released and fell good. The elephant walk over to Stinky and look at her.

Elephant: "Why thank you very much Human girl, I don't know how I can repay you?!"

Stinky: "you don't have to, I was just trying to help. That's all." (Stinky blushing )

Elephant:" let me introduce myself, am Elepha, What's is your name?"

Stinky: " Well am have a name but for now call me the human girl."

Elepha Put her trunk on Stinky's hips and gently put her on her back.

Elepha: " You're butt up there feels good, have you ever ride on animals before?"

Stinky: Yes, Gorilla, giraffe,Zebras & Lion.

Elepha: " did all of those animals say to you, you have a very nice to have your butt on there backs?"

Stinky: " No."

Elepha: Well am I nice or what!?"

Eleaph and Stinky laugh with each other.

Stinky: "You like my butt?"

Eleaph: "I don't like yours I LOVE ALL OF THEM!" They look cute. Monkey's are but humans are amazing!"

Stinky giggles to her shelf think that is is the right elephant for the job.

Eleaph: " Sorry if I sound weird...... ( Eleaph soaked in sadness) I know it's gross and weird but...am just weird.

Stinky: " No, No I understand. You think my butts cute, not weird at all to me. To tell you the truth.

Stinky whisper in Eleaph giant ear. Eleaph shout out.

Eleaph: " YOUR NAME IS STINKY BUTT!"  She begins to laugh out loud. Stinky join in.

Stinky: " Yep it is baby!" Eleaph hugs Stinky.

Eleaph: " That not just funny, but to me the coolest name in the entire jungle!. Is it because you butt stinks!"

Stinky: Oh yep."

Eleaph: "I never smelled a fart be for.... Can I ?"

Stinky: " Put your Trunk in my trunk? Sure!" 😁

Eleaph put her trunk nose
on Stinky's Butt. and she begins to let it loose on her trunk nose. Eleaph take it in, and takes it like a champ! Stinky felt very good about it. It felt like a vacuum cleaner sucking it in, As she was letting loose. Eleaph was sucking it up with pride. (Proooph!)

Stinky: "WOW! I never knew you were that brave!"

Eleaph: " You're butt felt so good on my trunk nose, I just suck it up in."

Stinky: " you don't care how it smells?"

Eleaph: " Are you kidding, I don't even care how stinky it smells. You butts cute to me no matter what girl friend!"

Stinky was flattered 🥰, and hugged Eleaph so tight she could not let go. She fart in her trunk again and again and again, until.

Leo: "STINKY!" (Leo shouting out.) "Where are you!"

Stinky shout out, "Won the bet!"  Leo runs into the directions of the shouting voice. Then she found Stinky with an elephant trunk on her trunk.

Leo: " OH MY GOODNESS! That elephant smell your butt!"

Stinky Clime off of Eleaph's  back. And expensive to Leo her new friends name and how they met and what they were doing.

Leo: " I never knew, a elephant would be brave to smell a stinky butt like that!?"

Elepha: " I guess you can say, You Saw An Elephant Trunk on her trunk! 😉😏

They all laughed out loud.  As Eleaph trunk pats Stinky's bum.

Stinky: " Hey, you too. I have some thing for you...."

The 2 animals came closer and closer

Stinky: " Close your eyes."  ( they close their eyes.)

And when closer and closer, until......


The Animals back away and shout "HEY, Stinky!."

They laughed and laughed as the animals slap stinky's butt with pride. As that Elepha put Stinky back on her back and walked with Leo. They were singing along to the made up song.

The End!

Stinky Butt of the jungle.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα