Chapter 4: Revoked powers

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Michael spent the better part of the night walking around the town's dark streets, his mind slowly drifting into despair. There was no way he could be spared, and he wasn't just about to lose his status, he was about to lose everything, his powers, his home... and it was all his fault.

If only he'd actually told Ezekiel his plans right away, if only he'd asked for his opinion- maybe now he wouldn't be in so much trouble.

"Curse ME and my big ego-" he hissed through his teeth.

He tried recollecting his thoughts and understand what was the most important thing to do... he had to make amends with Ezekiel... or at the very least apologize, because he wasn't really sure himself if he deserved to be forgiven.

Still, regardless, it was late at night and the pudgy Angel was certainly sleeping soundly with Heather in his embrace now, and Michael didn't have it in his heart to go and bother them now. He would've gone the following day, first thing in the morning.

Not wanting to be stuck outside all night, he eventually made his way into a strange hotel for 'outsiders' where, as long as one didn't damage the property, they could stay for an entire week for free-

Michael was surprised something like that existed on Earth, especially since he was aware most Humans tended to be beyond greedy, so much so that the vast majority of greedy Souls came right from Earth!

"This place feels rather... utopic..." he muttered as he finally laid down on a bed, trying to relax. It was like nobody in that town was scared of spending money for the good of others. Eventually, Michael fell asleep, which was odd; he didn't usually feel the need to sleep, but that day had been so emotionally exhausting... he needed to get some rest.

The following morning, he woke up somehow feeling worse than the day prior, guilt having settled down in his heart along with despair as he was fully aware what awaited him later that evening. He had to do something to stop feeling that way, so he materialized a pen and paper and began pouring his thoughts and apologies on it, thinking about Ezekiel and Heather, trying to figure out the best words that would convey his motives and his feelings in the best way. But ultimately, he ended up crumpling the letter he'd written, feeling like a coward for even thinking for a moment he could've fixed things via indirect communication; he definitely had to apologize face to face.

A shiver ran up his spine. He'd never had to apologize for his actions before... it felt humiliating and frightening, he worried what he'd done was unforgivable, and that Ezekiel would never want to have anything to do with him ever again-

Michael ran his hands through his hair "Oh my God... why do I feel so horrible?!" he muttered, although he already knew the answer.

After some more thinking, he finally got out of the hotel's room and headed to Ezekiel's home. He was nervous, incredibly so, but he had to at least try and fix things with his underling, he couldn't back down!

Michael felt his heart pounding in his chest as he walked up the staircases of the flat complex, walking in front of the apartment's door, wondering if they were awake already, whether he should've knocked or rang the doorbell. He smacked his face with both hands "Get it together!"

Suddenly, the door opened right in front of him and he was face to face with Heather, who was just about to head off to University.


"You again?!" Heather shouted.

"I-I know I'm the last being you'd want to see right now but-" he slowly trailed off, noticing Ezekiel staring at him from the living room before heaving himself up from the couch and leaving.

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