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It's severe you guys, completely ridiculous actually. I'm just as beautiful just as smart and just as whimsical as any of my friends and yet I'm the-




Can't hang out with Jace because his girlfriend thinks i'm trying to steal him secretly.

Can't hang out with Anna because her new beau is so needy of her precious time.

Can't hang out with Carter because his girlfriend has to go everywhere with him.

Can't hang out with Shakira because she spends every waking minute fulfilling her 'need's'

And I can't hang out with BJ because he thinks I'm a major cock block and he swears up and down I'm the reason why he doesn't have a real girlfriend at the moment. And yet he has no problem screwing random girls.

What's a single girl to do?

I guess knit or watch movies or workout :shiver:

Or I can make a list of reasons why my friends suck. I'll call it X Things My Taken Friends Do Without Me.

Cock Blocker: X Things My Taken Friends Do Without MeWhere stories live. Discover now