16 » Kids

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16 » Kids

❝I'm not passive but aggressive

Take note, it's not impressive

Empty your sadness, like you're dumping your purse

On my bedroom floor

We put your curse in reverse

And it's our time now if you want to to be

More the war like the carnival bears set free

And your love is anemic and I can't believe

That you couldn't see it coming from me

And I still feel that rush in my veins

It twists my head just a bit too thin

All those people I see in those old photographs I've seen are dead

And in the end

I'd do it all again

I think you're my best friend

Don't you know that the kids aren't all, kids aren't alright

I'll be yours

When it rains it pours

Stay thirsty like before

Don't you know that the kids aren't all, kids aren't alright

And sometimes I just want to sit around

And gaze at my shoes yeah

And let your dirty sadness fill me up

Just like a balloon❞

-Fall Out Boy, The Kids Aren't Alright

School was wrapping up soon and no one knew how to react.

All Iris knew was that Thomas was starting to grow on her, and she definitely didn't want him to. He was always around, always in the sidelines. Iris didn't know what to think of him, was he annoying or charming? With everything going on around her, she really didn't want to think about it.

Iris was walking to her normal classes, her mind overloaded with spells, incantations and potion ingredients until she bumped into James. Needless to say, she wasn't impressed since he had been ignoring her since she found out about Thomas. Rolling her eyes, she continued on to class where she found Thomas sitting at her usual table.

"Why are you here? You never sit here." Iris demanded, fed up with both of the brothers.

"I take this class and everywhere else was full.." Thomas mumbled, looking at his textbooks as he flipped to the page they were on last class.

"Whatever, just stay out of my way." Iris grumbled, opening her textbooks as well.

"Iris, there's only two days until school is over, lighten up." sighed Thomas as he wrote down some notes on Singing Toads.

"I'm well aware of that, Potter. Also, I have no interest in wasting my time talking with you." Iris huffed, turning back  to her books.

They didn't talk for the whole class after that and Iris hoped she had hurt him enough for him to not bother her. Fortunately, she was right. For now.

Iris walked to the Quidditch pitch, sitting next to Diana so she could at least talk to someone while watching Gryffindor win, again. Teachers were very proud of the Quidditch team and the word was that the Chudley Cannons were planning on taking some of the Quidditch players to play on their team.  Of course, Iris didn't exactly care who it was since she wasn't a Quidditch fanatic. Sighing, Iris watched the game, her mind never actually focusing on it.

After the game was dinner, more like a celebratory dinner for Gryffindor since they had won, once again. Iris ate, becoming distant and leaving soon after, only eating a small bit of her food. She walked up to her dorm, getting ready for bed and counting down to one day left of the drama filled school of Hogwarts.

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