Chapter 16

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Sasuke's POV

I clicked shut the document I was writing on and got Lee to watch the desk while I went on break. Lee is my "assistant," sort of. He just kind of hangs around and manages the front desk while I'm gone. I stood up and stretched, yawning as I did so. I hate desk jobs. "See ya," I said to Lee, you smiled and gave me a thumbs up. What an odd guy.

I made my way to Naruto's office, stepping into the elevator. When it reached the third floor, it stopped to let a pink haired woman on. I recognized her, wasn't her name Sa... Sakura? Yeah. Sakura. I think she was the one being rude to me earlier this month. I sighed and decided not to greet the girl.

When I reached Naruto's floor, I stepped off the elevator and walked to the door of Naruto's office. I paused for a moment, before raising my hand to rap on the door three times. I waited for a moment before I heard Naruto yell "come in!"

I walked into his office, and Naruto looked up at me with a smile. "Hello, Sasuke, how can I help you?" the blonde asked, and I rolled my eyes. "Hey dobe. Happy Wednesday." Naruto grinned, stretching out his arms as if for me to come to him. "Come here," he said, yawning. I shuffled over to him, and I tilted my head. "Hm?"

I gasped when I felt a pair of arms grab my waist, turning my body and pulling me down so my back was against Naruto's chest and I was sitting on his lap. "What? Hey!" I said, turning my head up wards to look at Naruto. He smiled widely, using that as an excuse to kiss me.

"I'm not horny today, do you want to just cuddle?" Naruto asked, and my eyes widened in surprise. Just cuddle? Why does that sound... I smiled a little. "Sure," I replied, snuggling my body closer to him. I felt his grip on me tighten. I felt... safe.


"Where do you want to go? I called, my voice reaching into the kitchen. Naruto and I were at his apartment, and I was sitting on the couch. Naruto walked out of the kitchen, holding two cups of coffee. He carefully set mine down on the table in front of me, and soon sat down beside me, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I grabbed my coffee, taking a sip of the hot liquid and almost gagging.

"What did you put in this thing!?" I asked, and Naruto tilted his head. "Nothing. It's black coffee," he responded, and took a sip of his own, then nearly spitting it out. "Nope, never mind. This. This is black coffee," he corrected, squinting his eyes and sticking his tongue out, grabbing my coffee. "I gave you the wrong one."

He handed my cup to me. I smiled at his mistake. Naruto was so... I don't know. Sweet? Kind? Caring? Handsome? Wonderful? All of the above? Definitely all of the above. I'd never admit that to him of course, but I suppose I could tell him I loved him.

"Hey Naruto?" I asked, and he looked up from his coffee that he was carefully examining, as if it was poisoned of something. "Hm? Yeah?" he replied, distractedly.

"I love you."

Naruto smiled. "I love you too!" He grinned, tugging at my heart. I loved his smile. I love him.

I love you, Naruto Uzumaki.

(A/N: Yeah. Hey guys. Sorry for the shortass ending. Nice to see you! I've been busy lately... and not feeling the greatest, but here's an ending to the story! I know it's literally trash, I'm shit at writing endings. I've also just kind of lost motivation for writing this. I know you guys wanted smut, but I just haven't been in the mood to write it lately. So... cuddles and a very cheesy ending. I might start and Eruri fic (Erwin x Levi, from Attack on Titan), and I've even been considering writing a story that isn't fanfiction, but I don't know yet. But if you guys did want smut, I posted a oneshot not too long ago, you can read that if you want. 

I also want to say thank you so much to all of my very dedicated readers, the ones who voted, commented, and stayed with me throughout this story, which I started way back in August. Just a shoutout to all you real ones out there. I love you guys and thanks for being some of the best friends I've got. <3 )

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