Part 15

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a few days later:

sonic was stering from his long slumber he just had with his vision being blurry at first but as his eyes ajust he notice he was inside one of the tribes tent and was covered in bandages as he try to sit up but strugled as he had a headache

sonic: head

as he said that shadow entered the tent with a bowl and some fresh bandages only to see that the teen was awake and quickly place the bowl on the ground and sat down next to sonic.

shadow: your finally awake thank chaos we though you would never wake up

sonic: argh.....water....please

shadow pour some water for the teen that was at the side and gave it to him with the teen then drinking it and thank shadow as his throt didn't feel so dry

shadow: now that your awake I'm going to change your bandages alright

shadow took the blanket off sonic and started taken off the old ones while he explain that he was back in knuckles tribe and everyone was worried about him for the last few days

sonic: so i have been sleeping for 2 day straight?

shadow: yes and knuckles and me has been doing around the clock to check on you and see if you were okay....hold still

shadow got a wet rag and started cleaning sonic injuries as sonic gave him a smile 

shadow: why are you smiling all of a sudden 

sonic: oh i was just thinking that you act like a worried lover with how you look right now

shadow couldn't deny it as he was worried about him and pray for the pass two days hopping he would wake up never really wanting to leave his side

shadow: well it would be a lie if i said no 

shadow stop cleaning the teens cuts and gently moved the teen chin to get him to face him and ask bluntly if he could kiss him

shadow: I'm not a romantic type can i just kiss you like now?

sonic gave him a nod and let shadows lips connect to his sonic then open his mouth more as shadow lick the teens lips and slide his tongue in to his mouth and started to deepen the kiss as he moved closer and held on to the teen gently as he explored his mouth licking the root of his mouth making the teen prove that he like it by sending a muffled moan.

shadow didn't want to stop he enjoyed the taste he was getting from the teen and how sonic would also use his tongue would lick his each time they took in a breath and went in more as shadow slides his hands up and down sonic torso but instantly stop and pull back when the teen flinch as his cuts were throbbing making yelp from the sudden pain.

shadow: sorry are you alright?

sonic: yea I'm good i just still hurt a bit that all 

shadow smiled and kissed his forehead telling the teen that they will continue this when he was healed in which the teen reply with his cocky smile and said back

sonic: you better make it worth the wait then sheriff

shadow: oh trust me it lets give you bandage up again and see if you can get you back on your feet so we can start

sonic: huh start what?

shadow saw the confused expression on the teens face but only told him that it was a surprise 


shadow help sonic up but he still wasn't good on his feet so he carry sonic out in bridal style as they exit the tent and made there way to knuckles who was at the altar.

knuckles was talking to tails rouge and silver when the four turn around and saw shadow holding sonic who waved and smiled at them all 'hey guys' he said to the four cheerfully as they walk to him and was glad that he was finely awake.

knuckles: thank chaos your awake i don't think we can keep that bastard lock up any longer so now we can start

sonic: what are you talking about is it the surprise you mention shadow 

knuckles call some of the echidnas guards telling them to bring them out and walk away while knuckle told shadow to sit sonic down on the rug that was in front of the altar while the whole tribe gathered round as the drums started sending a signal that it was about to start.

sonic was sitting next to shadow and was wounding what was going on but shadow then explain it to him

shadow: me and knuckles made an agreement that he will punish scrouge and his gang by his laws as long as i have proof to go with to the capital that they are dead 

sonic knew what the law of the tribe was and now knew what was happing as he a half dead scrouge being drag at the altar with a bloody hole in his shoulder from where knuckles shot him and another bloody hole in the other and stomach from the gun shot by shadow.

scrouge was then tie by his arms around a large wooden post insulting the tribe as his remaining gang members that was also alive being drag out too and tie the same way on separate post as knuckles and his warriors got there knifes at the ready and stood in front of each member with knuckles being the one Infront of scrouge.

knuckles: do you have any last words before your soul goes to hell


he said as he glare at sonic but sonic wasn't fazed by it as he knew they was no point to as knuckles spoke to the prisoner again

knuckles: the mobian called scrouge you have kill my warriors and hurt someone truly dear to me and my tribe so for that i sentence you to be scalp alive along with your so called gang!

he said as he pointed his knife at scrouge who only look flabbergasted for a moment but then try to struggle trying to break free from his ropes.

sonadow the sheriff and the so called nativeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ