Part 3

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knuckles let shadow rouge and silver leave on there horses go thought the tribe without the echidna guard escorting them but on the condition that sonic lead them out and so he did after he said his goodbyes to knuckles.

sonic was on his way to the next town and the same with the other three so he suggested that they go together and rouge and silver agreed and join them on there journey but shadow found the kid to be annoying

the three of them talk for a bit behind shadow but before they knew it they were already in the next town call river dale and sonic went his separate way saying he had to go and deal with some business while the three went and take a rest and found themselves in another saloon to get a drink.

silver drank his whisky and slam his glass down and ask shadow a question that was playing on his mind for a while now

silver: are you sure letting that kid go off....i mean you saw how he looks 

rouge: for once i have to agree with silver on this one boss he doesn't look tough and i bet he can't even defend himself if he ran into trouble

shadow: relax you two and the kid is fine he may not look it but i think the kid can take care of himself

silver: and you are sure of that because he knock you down last night?

silver hit a nerve with that question and shadow was about to answer till he heard someone barge into the saloon making everyone look into the direction of the door way

the saloon was filled with locals of the town and the three but not one of them made a sound when they saw scrouge at the doorway with his 10 gang members behind them.

scrouge made his way to the bar where he demanded a bottle of whisky for him and each of the his boys but the bartender refuse then scrouge then pulled out his pistol making the bartender quickly change his mind as scrouge then spat on the ground 

scrouge: that's what i thought NOW HURRY UP ALLREADY BEFORE I PUT LEAD IN YOUR HEAD!

shadow hated scrouge to the core but knew it would be suicide if he try to kill him there where he stands so he done his best to remain calm and stay in his seat covering his face more with his hat so scrouge couldn't see who he was and the same for rouge and silver.

scrouge grab the bottle of whisky that the bartender had and took a gulp straight up before he stood on the bar making an announcement for everyone in the saloon to hear


shadow clench his fist due to his anger was boiling up more and more just by his voice alone but was more angry at the fact that he just describe the annoying teenager he only encountered yesterday


scrouge jump off the bar and storm out of the saloon with each of his gang members holding a bottle of whisky in there hand and left the bartender was shaking but was relived that scrouge didn't kill him or any of the locals as everyone carry on with there drinking.

the three lifted there hats and couldn't believe there luck to see scrouge and his gang wasting no time to try and make a plan to apprehend them for there crimes.

shadow: good now that we know he's here will get him when he leaves town so we don't get any of the locals involved 

rouge: sure do you think he would rob the bank first 

silver: yea giving us no time to buy supplies....again

he said in disappointment as shadow told him to grow up

shadow: we can last a little longer without them so let's get out of here and ambush the bastard before he leaves

silver and rouge: right boss


the three was hiding behind the large boilders to give them cover as they wait for scrouge and his gang to ride out of the town they were just in and saw them coming up ahead all on there horses as the three aim there guns and started shotting.

the horses was suddenly scared from the sudden gun shots with some falling on there backs carsing a few of the gang members get squshed between the horse's and the dirty ground emobelizing them instantly while scrouge remain on his horse with the others and started shoting there own guns at the dirction were shadow was shotting but wasn't able to hit as the three was hiding.


scrouge saw a glimse of silver hat above one of the boilders and smirk as he whistled and pointed where silver was shadow though silver was spoted and scrouge was singling where he was but suddenly had a sence that someone was behind him and to his shock it was more of bandits on there horses aiming there guns at the three of them.

shadow: what the hell...HOW!

rouge: shit it looks like we were ambushed too

scrouge got off his hourse as shadow rouge and silver raised there hands up so the others wouldn't shoot them there and then

scrouge: well well well howdy sheiff shadow and his two lackys 

silver: how did you....

scrouge: how did i ambush you....HAH you think must be dumb if you think i won't be perpared for something like a mere ambush when i'm the most wanted criminal on mobuis

shadow: soon to be a dead one at that 

scrouge had a proud smirk but soon change to a pissed off expression as he put his gun on shadow forehead 

scrouge: isn't it the other way round sheriff 

rouge and silver try to go over to shadow but was pushed on there kness by the gang members as that whacthed in horror when scrouge pulled back the clip of his gun and was about to shoot shadow.

scrouge: farewell sheriff shadARGH

scrouge gun was suddenly hit by a rock knocking it out of his hands

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